Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/67

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Name of a young Gentleman who was her Relation, by which, without any Suspicion, she introduced herself into the best Companies, and by a suitable Behaviour, maintained the Cheat for some Time perfectly well; a Thing so much the more practicable, as her's was an Imposture absolutely new and strange.

It fell out, at some Place of public Diversion, that she heard a Gentlewoman, the most famous of her Time for the Sweetness of her Voice, and her admirable Skill in Music, perform a Cantata, accompanied with a Lute. Upon this, it came into her Head to make Love to her, which she did with all the exterior Marks of the warmest Passion. But the Gentlewoman, tho' the Person of this Creature
