on the ground and after expectorating, shouted: "Worm!"
"Mangy-hided dog, whom are you cursing?" sneered Wang-hu, lifting his eyes disdainfully.
In spite of the fact that of late Ah Q had, as compared with former times, received more respect from people and had become a least bit more vain and self-respecting, still in dealing with ordinary folk, who were accustomed to fighting, he was humble and meek; but on this occasion he waxed exceeding bold. This creature, Wang-hu, with a cheek full of whiskers, would he dare to say anything disrespectful?
"The one who answers me is the one to be reviled!" cried Ah Q, with his arms akimbo.
"Do your bones ache for a thrashing?" queried Wang-hu, also jumping to his feet and throwing on his coat.
Ah Q thought that his opponent was about to flee, and rushing upon him, raised his fist to cuff him, but before his fist had reached Wang-hu's body, the latter had grasped it and with one yank sent Ah Q sprawling. On the instant, his queue was seized by Wang-hu; he was dragged to the wall, where, as was the custom, his head was knocked.
"The superior man moves only his mouth and not his hands!" shouted Ah Q, with his head twisted to one side.