Page:The Tsar's Window.djvu/120

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and I never could remember it when I was with you. Why were you named George?"

"I am sorry if my name displeases you. But St. George was a great character in his day, and perhaps my mother thought I might resemble him," he answered, smiling. "You know our choice of names is limited, for each member of the Greek Church must be named for some saint."

"I did not know that you belonged to that church."

"I was baptized in it, therefore I suppose that I am a member. But I assure you St. George is altogether the greatest saint we have, and the Order of St. George is the highest in Russia. The first class of the order is given only to one who has commanded one hundred thousand men in a successful war. The Emperor and the Grand Duke Nicolas are the only persons in this country who have it. So I trust you will forgive me for having such an ugly name."

"I don't know that it is so very ugly," I replied thoughtfully, "when one gets accustomed to it."

"Try and become accustomed to it, then," said my companion, with a laugh.

"I ask a great many questions, I know," apologetically; then I added abruptly, "Where is every one going?"

"Into the next room for lunch, I fancy. Let us go too."

"I do not feel as if I had seen the Neva blessed, after all," I murmured, as I moved away reluctantly.