Page:The Tsar's Window.djvu/33

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I looked curiously at the noses of the Paulovsky regiment. I had been told that the Emperor Paul, having a snub nose, founded this regiment for men with a similar misfortune, but I failed to discover anything peculiar about that feature in the present troop.

The review lasted an hour and was a very interesting sight; but I will spare you further details, and write no more except to beg you to get over your sympathy for the Nihilists as soon as possible. You have no idea of their diabolical plans; the information you get from newspapers, and especially from England, is quite untrustworthy. Their statements are colored by prejudice, so do not pin your faith to any of them. You see I have not been idle since I came to Russia, and have really picked up a good deal of information, but I fear I bore every one I meet with the number of interrogation points that I put in my conversation.

With love from us all, believe me

Yours sincerely,

Dorris Romilly.