T!?t ebaml? the ?b, ?ley m?, $h?l each ?ril be? thee by, With its ?r's char mvi?; L? dear, '? I; ? ?, 1?, love; lizt? de?, tis I; W?'t?e own true ?ldier fly." ?d ?w the gallant 8o!&er's B?, She's ? her home aft, ?d chan?, or ?y, or w? ?'11 b?ve ?th him t? And bless the ho?, ?en 'neath the tow'r, He whis?r'd ?, "Oh, nothi? fe?, With th?a o? t? ?i?r fly, ? his fai:ntul hea? ? Li? de?, 't?I; Li?! l?t, ?, love; ?! ?, '? I; With thee own t?o So!&er fly." I? w? Duno?, t? yo? ?d brave, w? ?d But ? he ?e hi? o?ns ?fom St. M?'z "?d ?t, I?al Q?n. of Heaven," w? t? ?ldier'z prayer, "?at I' may provo ? ?av?t ?ght? ?d love f?zt f?." " H? oath of honor on the ? ho ?av? �ofd ? And followed to the Holy ?d the b?n?r of ? lord; W?re faithf? to ?s nobl? vow, ? war? illI'd thz "? h?r'd ayo the brevet ?ht, ?1ov'd thz f? f?.,,