I78 Ln.XX soNs. They axe foremost on the breach, They axe first in danger's track, There axe no braver spirits there To drive the fbemen back; They sink in gl?ory's proud embrace, But the voice of' their dying cheer, Comes forth with a shock on the soldier's And he w? away a tesr. He has past his native hi[l, He is on his native plain, And the young who went with'.him away? Are come not home again; But the mother's whisper of her boys,,, YVill break upon his ear, And the soldier sighs for his bravest now? And ? away a tear. A 80LDIEIL'S GB, ATITUDE. W?zx?z'zm my fate, where'at By sorrow still oppress'd, I'!! ne'er forgat the peaceful home, That gave a wand:mr rest. Then ever rove life', sunny banks By sweetest flow'rots strew'd, Still may you claim a soldlet's thank? A soldier's gratitude. The tender sigh, the balmy teats That meek-ey'd pity gave, My !?t expiring hour shall cheer, A?I blem the wand'rer's grave. Then ever rpve lira's sunny 6anks, By sweetest liow'mts straw'd, Still may you claim a soldier's thank? A ?ld?'s gratitude. o,?,?,?o?Google