Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/266

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AMATORY SOIqGS. Wh?"t? heart in our pefsion's wild ocean Feels even hopo's anchor is lost, Morgiana, thou art my dearest, For thee have I languish'd, and griev'd And when hope to my bosom was nearest, How oft has that hope been deceiv'd. Morgitua, my hope was decely'& The storm of despair is blown over, No more by its vapor depreM'd; I leugh at the clouds of a lover, ' With the sunshine of joy in my breast. Love made by & parent my duty, To the wish of my heart now arrived ? bend, to the power of* beauty, And ev'r? fond hope is reviv'? Morgiana, my ho*po is re?iv'rl- F.I JZA. THS ehedow? of eve 'gin to steal o'er the plain, To Eliza my heart I confese:d, Love sanction'd the moment, 8he smil'd on On her lip a 80Ft kiss I impress'd; ! saw her warm cheek l?e heav'n's canopy flow, VtPnen ?urora e?purples the more; She loves me, oh ! Hear'n, let me never romero, The faith on her lips I have 'l?his bosom though fervid with youth and with bealth? in all else 8hall persuasion control Bid me fly �rom the charms of' ambition and wealth, Or the joys of the bright sparklin? bowl: But Eliza, dear maid ! till in earth i'm IaM low, �In my heart shall her image be borne, While she loves me, by Heav'n, I m*11 never forefo The ?tith on her li/? l'hav?. mvorn