N?,TIONAH SONGS. Huzza! hu?a! huzza! htuza! To h?l the nation's ?. Ye ?auteo? mai?, your gul? Amid the hera's brow; Ye hoa? veteran, hither b? The hea?'s full t?bute now; ? kings their ?ade? cast down, And nobl? s?k to ??y? True gio?, ?r, ? the ?. ? ?ilant La Fayett? H? h? ? h? For g?l?t La Fayette? Oh? welcome, fat!?r?o ?er th? titl? we, ?y children, give thy homage ?o?, ?d (memen ?eot thee free; ?o patriot, s?ld thy h? h? ?neath the o? thou help'd? to Welc?o, deliverer, ch?i?, f?ad, La Fayette's wel?me ? H? h? h? h? Lt Fayotto's we!?mo ?re. F??'8 ?O? ? ?R?. ?g at the dinner ?ven to Gen. La Fayette by ?lat? of Maryl?d, Dec. 24th, 1824.--By W. P. F?quhar. Tv?r?" 8?ts wa kae." W?co?, welcome, La Fayette, Thee we?never shall for?t; F?end of man, we love thee y?, Friend of Libe?y. Thou w?t on? o? f?end ?deed, W? o? friend in t? of 0,?,?,?Google