Page:The University Hymn Book.djvu/410

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��Georce M. Garrett (1S34-1S97).

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���BLESSED be the Lord ] God of | Israel : For he hath visited | and re- 1 deemed his | people, And hath raised up a mighty sal- | vation | for us : In the house |

of liis j servant | David ; As he spake by the mouth of his | holy | prophets : Which have

been | since the | world be- | gan ; That we should be saved | from our | enemies : And from the | hands

of I all that I hate us ; To perform the mercy promised | to our | forefathers : And to re- |

member his ] holy | covenant ; To perform the oath which he sware to our | forefather | Abraham :

That I he would | give — | us, That we, being delivered out of the hands | of our | enemies : Might

serve | him with- | out — | fear ; In holiness and righteous- | ness be- | fore him : AH the | days — ! of

our I life. And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet | of the | highest : For

thou shalt go before the face of the Lord j to pre- 1 pare his | ways ; To give knowledge of salvation | unto his j people : For the re- |

mission | of their | sins, Through the tender mercy | of our | God : Whereby the dayspring

from on | high hath | visited | us, To give light to them that sit in darkness * and in the | shadow of |

death : And to guide our feet | into the | way of | peace.

Glory be to the Father and j to the | Son : And | to the | Holy j

Ghost ; As it was in the beginning * is now, and | ever | shall be : World

without I end, — | A- — | men.


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