Page:The Up-to-Date Sandwich Book.djvu/18

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Spread thinly buttered white bread with caviare, season with lemon juice, and on top of this lay a little minced lobster. Cover with another slice of buttered bread and place on a lettuce leaf.


Mix the yolks of three hard-boiled eggs with the roe of a salt herring. Place the mixture between thin slices of lightly buttered white bread. Garnish with a slice of lemon.


One set of shad-roe that has been cooked and pounded in a mortar, the yolks of live hard-boiled eggs chopped very fine, two teaspoonfuls of finely chopped capers, a dash of paprika, and two tablespoonfuls of tabasco sauce. Mix and place between thin slices of lightly buttered white bread.