of Siloam by Abner. All Jerusalem was agog over this event, and messengers were immediately dispatched to Bethsaida recalling the six spying Pharisees.
The Greek philosopher who had been won for the kingdom on the previous
tour of Galilee returned with certain wealthy Jews of Alexandria, and once more
they invited Jesus to come to their city for the purpose of establishing a joint
school of philosophy and religion as well as an infirmary for the sick. But Jesus
courteously declined the invitation.
About this time there arrived at the Bethsaida encampment a trance prophet
from Bagdad, one Kirmeth. This supposed prophet had peculiar visions when
in trance and dreamed fantastic dreams when his sleep was disturbed. He
created a considerable disturbance at the camp, and Simon Zelotes was in favor
of dealing rather roughly with the self-deceived pretender, but Jesus intervened
and allowed him entire freedom of action for a few days. All who heard his
preaching soon recognized that his teaching was not sound as judged by the
gospel of the kingdom. He shortly returned to Bagdad, taking with him only
a half dozen unstable and erratic souls. But before Jesus interceded for the
Bagdad prophet, David Zebedee, with the assistance of a self-appointed committee, had taken Kirmeth out into the lake and, after repeatedly plunging
him into the water, had advised him to depart hence—to organize and build
a camp of his own.
On this same day, Beth-Marion, a Phoenician woman, became so fanatical
that she went out of her head and, after almost drowning from trying to walk
on the water, was sent away by her friends.
The new Jerusalem convert, Abraham the Pharisee, gave all of his worldly
goods to the apostolic treasury, and this contribution did much to make possible
the immediate sending forth of the one hundred newly trained evangelists.
Andrew had already announced the closing of the encampment, and everybody
prepared either to go home or else to follow the evangelists into Galilee.
On Friday afternoon, October 1, when Jesus was holding his last meeting with the apostles, evangelists, and other leaders of the disbanding encampment, and with the six Pharisees from Jerusalem seated in the front row of this assembly in the spacious and enlarged front room of the Zebedee home, there occurred one of the strangest and most unique episodes of all Jesus' earth life. The Master was, at this time, speaking as he stood in this large room, which had been built to accommodate these gatherings during the rainy season. The house was entirely surrounded by a vast concourse of people who were straining their ears to catch some part of Jesus' discourse.
While the house was thus thronged with people and entirely surrounded by eager listeners, a man long afflicted with paralysis was carried down from Capernaum on a small couch by his friends. This paralytic had heard that Jesus was about to leave Bethsaida, and having talked with Aaron the stone mason, who had been so recently made whole, he resolved to be carried into Jesus' presence, where he could seek healing. His friends tried to gain entrance to Zebedee's house by both the front and back doors, but too many people were crowded together. But the paralytic refused to accept defeat; he directed