grieved at the Master's seeming distrust of him, said with considerable feeling, "Lord, you know all things, and therefore do you know that I really and truly love you." Then said Jesus: "Feed my sheep. Do not forsake the flock. Be an example and an inspiration to all your fellow shepherds. Love the flock as I have loved you and devote yourself to their welfare even as I have devoted my life to your welfare. And follow after me even to the end."
Peter took this last statement literally—that he should continue to follow after him—and turning to Jesus, he pointed to John, asking, "If I follow on after you, what shall this man do?" And then, perceiving that Peter had misunderstood his words, Jesus said: "Peter, be not concerned about what your brethren shall do. If I will that John should tarry after you are gone, even until I come back, what is that to you? Only make sure that you follow me."
This remark spread among the brethren and was received as a statement by
Jesus to the effect that John would not die before the Master returned, as many
thought and hoped, to establish the kingdom in power and glory. It was this
interpretation of what Jesus said that had much to do with getting Simon Zelotes
back into service, and keeping him at work.
When they returned to the others, Jesus went for a walk and talk with Andrew and James. When they had gone a short distance, Jesus said to Andrew,
"Andrew, do you trust me?" And when the former chief of the apostles heard
Jesus ask such a question, he stood still and answered, "Yes, Master, of a certainty I trust you, and you know that I do." Then said Jesus: "Andrew, if you
trust me, trust your brethren more—even Peter. I once trusted you with the
leadership of your brethren. Now must you trust others as I leave you to go to
the Father. When your brethren begin to scatter abroad because of bitter persecutions, be a considerate and wise counselor to James my brother in the flesh
when they put heavy burdens upon him which he is not qualified by experience to
bear. And then go on trusting, for I will not fail you. When you are through on
earth, you shall come to me."
Then Jesus turned to James, asking, "James, do you trust me?" And of course James replied, "Yes, Master, I trust you with all my heart." Then said Jesus: "James, if you trust me more, you will be less impatient with your brethren. If you will trust me, it will help you to be kind to the brotherhood of believers. Learn to weigh the consequences of your sayings and your doings. Remember that the reaping is in accordance with the sowing. Pray for tranquillity of spirit and cultivate patience. These graces, with living faith, shall sustain you when the hour comes to drink the cup of sacrifice. But never be dismayed; when you are through on earth, you shall also come to be with me."
Jesus next talked with Thomas and Nathaniel. Said he to Thomas, "Thomas,
do you serve me?" Thomas replied, "Yes, Lord, I serve you now and always."
Then said Jesus: "If you would serve me, serve my brethren in the flesh even as
I have served you. And be not weary in this well-doing but persevere as one who
has been ordained by God for this service of love. When you have finished your
service with me on earth, you shall serve with me in glory. Thomas, you must
cease doubting; you must grow in faith and the knowledge of truth. Believe in
God like a child but cease to act so childishly. Have courage; be strong in faith
and mighty in the kingdom of God."