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Personalities of the Grand Universe
C. Master Physical Controllers.
1. Associate Power Directors.
2. Mechanical Controllers.
3. Energy Transformers.
4. Energy Transmitters.
5. Primary Associators.
6. Secondary Dissociators.
7. Frandalanks and Chronoldeks.
D. Morontia Power Supervisors.
1. Circuit Regulators.
2. System Co-ordinators.
3. Planetary Custodians.
4. Combined Controllers.
5. Liaison Stabilizers.
6. Selective Assorters.
7. Associate Registrars.


1. The Planetary Midwayers.
2. The Adamic Sons of the Systems.
3. The Constellation Univitatia.
4. The Local Universe Susatia.
5. Spirit-fused Mortals of the Local Universes.
6. The Superuniverse Abandonters.
7. Son-fused Mortals of the Superuniverses.
8. The Havona Natives.
9. Natives of the Paradise Spheres of the Spirit.
10. Natives of the Father's Paradise Spheres.
11. The Created Citizens of Paradise.
12. Adjuster-fused Mortal Citizens of Paradise.

This is the working classification of the personalities of the universes as they are of record on the headquarters world of Uversa.

COMPOSITE PERSONALITY GROUPS. There are on Uversa the records of numerous additional groups of intelligent beings, beings that are also closely related to the organization and administration of the grand universe. Among such orders are the following three composite personality groups:

A. The Paradise Corps of the Finality.
1. The Corps of Mortal Finaliters.
2. The Corps of Paradise Finaliters.
3. The Corps of Trinitized Finaliters.
4. The Corps of Conjoint Trinitized Finaliters.
5. The Corps of Havona Finaliters.
6. The Corps of Transcendental Finaliters.
7. The Corps of Unrevealed Sons of Destiny.

The Mortal Corps of the Finality is dealt with in the next and final paper of this series.