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The Celestial Artisans

of your entire life's experiences, you are assured of never losing any true attribute you once had; and these Adjusters are going through with you, as a part of you, in reality, as you.

But I almost despair of being able to convey to the material mind the nature of the work of the celestial artisans. I am under the necessity of constantly perverting thought and distorting language in an effort to unfold to the mortal mind the reality of these morontia transactions and near-spirit phenomena. Your comprehension is incapable of grasping, and your language is inadequate for conveying, the meaning, value, and relationship of these semispirit activities. And I proceed with this effort to enlighten the human mind concerning these realities with the full understanding of the utter impossibility of my being very successful in such an undertaking.

Ican do no more than attempt to sketch a crude parallelism between mortal material activities and the manifold functions of the celestial artisans. If the Urantia races were more advanced in art and other cultural accomplishments, then could I go that much farther in an effort to project the human mind from the things of matter to those of morontia. About all I can hope to accomplish is to make emphatic the fact of the reality of these transactions of the morontia and the spirit worlds.


With the limited range of mortal hearing, you can hardly conceive of morontia melodies. There is even a material range of beautiful sound unrecognized by the human sense of hearing, not to mention the inconceivable scope of morontia and spirit harmony. Spirit melodies are not material sound waves but spirit pulsations received by the spirits of celestial personalities. There is a vastness of range and a soul of expression, as well as a grandeur of execution, associated with the melody of the spheres, that are wholly beyond human comprehension. I have seen millions of enraptured beings held in sublime ecstasy while the melody of the realm rolled in upon the spirit energy of the celestial circuits. These marvelous melodies can be broadcast to the uttermost parts of a universe.

The celestial musicians are occupied with the production of celestial harmony by the manipulation of the following spirit forces:

  1. Spiritual sound—spirit current interruptions.
  2. Spiritual light—the control and intensification of the light of the morontia and spiritual realms.
  3. Energy impingements—melody produced by the skillful management of the morontia and spirit energies.
  4. Color symphonies—melody of morontia color tones; this ranks among the highest accomplishments of the celestial musicians.
  5. Harmony of associated spirits—the very arrangement and association of different orders of morontia and spirit beings produce majestic melodies.
  6. Melody of thought—the thinking of spiritual thoughts can be so perfected as to burst forth in the melodies of Havona.
  7. The music of space—by proper attunement the melodies of other spheres can be picked up on the universe broadcast circuits.