Page:The Vampire.djvu/387

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  • De Prodigiis (Julius Obsequens), 252
  • De Trinitate (S. Augustine), 229
  • Deans, Hamilton, 335
  • Dee, Dr. John, 122
  • Délégation en Perse, 226
  • Demon of Venice, The, 278
  • Delrio, S. J., Martin, 180–1, 229
  • Desmodus rufus (blood-sucking bat), 135
  • Devil’s tree (silk-cotton-tree), 265
  • Didacus of Alcala, S., 128
  • Diphylla ecaudata (blood-sucking bat), 135
  • Discorides, 256
  • Dissertatio de Uampiris Seruiensibus, 1
  • Dissertazione sopra I Vampiri, 23, 24–5
  • Dominica of S. Mary, 123
  • Donatus, S., 50
  • Doolittle, Justus, 246
  • Dorat, Jean, 187
  • Dorset, St. John (Hugo John Belfour), 319–20
  • Dorval, Madame, 291, 293, 294
  • Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 323–4
  • Dracula, 331, 333–7
  • Dracula (dramatic version), 335–7
  • Dreams and Ghosts, 4
  • Dumas, Alexandre (père), 294–303
  • Durandus, 121
  • Dureford (Sussex), 160
  • Durham, Mr. James (sees ghost), 2–3
  • Ea-bani, 218
  • Easter, the first, 2, 173
  • Edward the Confessor, S., 125
  • Egyptian ka, 231
  • Ekimmu (Departed spirit), 218, 220, 222–4, 248
  • Elena and Gerardo (Bandello), 43–4
  • Elis (vampire tradition in), 167; (festival of god of files at), 198
  • Ellenore (Lenore), 275–7
  • Ellis, Havelock, 133, 184
  • Empedocles, 153
  • Encore un Vampire, 305
  • Épaulard, Dr. A., 57
  • Eskimo sorceress (suicide of), 153
  • Espinosa, Cardinal Diego de, 36–7
  • Etrennes d’un Vampire, Les, 305
  • Eugippius, 53
  • Euphorion of Chalcis, 147
  • Euripides, 141
  • Eustasius (and Euphrosina), 50
  • Eustochium, S., 130
  • Evagrius Ponticus, 49
  • Excommunication, 84–90; in the Greek Church, 93–100
  • Faber, Henri, 290
  • Fables (Gay), 258
  • Fairfax House (haunting of), 181
  • Faithfull Shepherdesse, The, 204
  • Falaley (Russian monk), 152
  • Familiars, 251–2
  • Ferrage, Blaise, 61
  • Féval, Paul, 303
  • Fils vampire, Le, 303
  • Fiorelli, 320
  • Flecker, James Elroy, 7
  • Fletcher, John, 204
  • Flies (evil spirits and), 198
  • Flowering of the Strange Orchid, The, 322
  • Fly-catcher (Zeus the), 198
  • For the Blood Is the Life, 325
  • Fornari, 234
  • Fortis, Alberto, 203
  • Foster, Anne, 81
  • Four Wooden Stakes, 325–7
  • Francis Caracciolo, S., 132
  • Francis, Elizabeth, 251–2
  • Frankenstein, 281
  • Gabienus, 38
  • Galland, Antoine, 237
  • Gandillon, Pierre and George, 60
  • Garanchacha (Son of the Sun), 238
  • Garlic, shunned by vampires, 209
  • Gaulminus, Gilbertus, 229
  • Gautier, Théophile, 320–1
  • Gay, John, 258
  • Gentile of Ravenna, 123
  • Gerardo and Elena (Bandello), 43–5
  • Geronymo de la Madre de Dios (Gracian), 130
  • Gervase of Tilbury, 227
  • Ghouls, 231–7
  • Giaour, The, 282–3
  • Gietmann, S.J., Gerard, 121
  • Giles, Molly and Dobby (of Bristol), 4–5
  • Gilgamish, 217–8
  • Giraldo, Mathias de, 233
  • Girvan (Ayrshire), hauntings at, 3–4
  • Glastonbury, 160
  • Godard, S., 106–7
  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 274–5
  • Gow, Captain Neil, 5–6
  • Grans, Hans, 190–2
  • Graves, ill-omened, 148; of murderers, 149–50; pelted with stones, and why, 149–50
  • Greenlanders (impregnation legends among), 238
  • Gregorio de Nacianceno, 130
  • Gregory I, S., 1, 32, 102, 121
  • Gregory VII, S., 115
  • Gregory of Langres, S., 54
  • Gregory of Tours, S., 51
  • Groot, Dr. T. T. M. de, 238
  • Guérin, Monsignor, 51
  • Gunther of Bamberg, 115