Page:The Vespers of Palermo.pdf/108

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[Act V.

Thou art no traitor:—from thy kindled brow
Looks out thy lofty soul!—Arise! go forth!
And rouse the noble heart of Sicily
Unto high deeds again. Anselmo, haste;
Unbind him! Let my spirit still prevail,
Ere I depart—for the strong hand of death
Is on me now.—(She sinks back against a pillar.

Ans. Oh heaven! the life-blood streams
Fast from thy heart—thy troubled eyes grow dim.
Who hath done this?

Vit. Before the gates I stood,
And in the name of him, the loved and lost,
With whom I soon shall be, all vainly strove
To stay the shameful flight. Then from the foe,
Fraught with my summons to his viewless home,
Came the fleet shaft which pierced me.

Ans. Yet, oh yet,
It may not be too late. Help, help!

Vit. Away!
Bright is the hour which brings me liberty!

Attendants enter.

Haste, be those fetters riven!—Unbar the gates,
And set the captive free!
(The Attendants seem to hesitate.
Know ye not her
Who should have worn your country's diadem?

Att. Oh, lady, we obey.
(They take off Raimond's chains. He springs up exultingly.