Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 1.djvu/469

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The following citations, which might be indefinitely extended, bear upon various aspects of the subject Pakenham, nos. 74 of 1828; 74 01 1829. Bankhead, nos. 38, 1845; 28, 58, 1846. 345Ellis, Sept. 20, 1839. Memoria de. . . Relaciones, 1846, Voz del Pueblo, Mar. 29; May 3, 1845. Amigo del Pueblo, June 26; Oct. 9, 1845. Orizazveño, Mar. 30, 1845. Patriota Mex., Nov. 14, 1845, Monitor Repub., Jan. 28, 1847. Reflexiones subre la Memoria. Cumuniceción circular que. 77Almonte, no. 130, priv., 1844. 77Arrangóiz, no. 50, ms, 1845. Decree of Mex. Cong, June 4, 1845 (broadside). 56W. S. Parrott, June 29; July 5, 1845. 108Kemble to Bancroft, Sept. 3, 1845.

2. (Danger) 76 Gov. Ibarra of Puebla, Sept. 5, 1846; Diario, Apr. 17, 1846; 77Relaciones, circular, Nov. 27, 1846; law of June 4, 1845, in Dublán, Legislación, V, 19; Monitor Repub., May 15. 1847; London Spectator, Sept. 26, etc, 1846. C. M. Bustamante, Nuevo Berna], i, 45. Castillo; council of state (chap. iv). (Paredes) Bankhead, no. 28, Feb. 27, 1846. (Chief) Shannon, no. 3, 1844; Negrete, Invasión, iv, app, 182; Diario, Mar. 25, 1845; Mar. 25; Sept 26; Dec. 6, 1846; 80legislat. of Méx. state, address, Apr. 26, 1847; Patriota Mex. Nov. 14, 1845; 77Arrangoiz, no. 50, res., Mar. 13, 1845; Siglo XIX, Nov. 30, 1845. (Clamored) Amigo del Puebla, Oct. 9, 1845; Voz del Pueblo, Mar. 29, 1845. (Superiority) Tornel, Tejas, 95; Monitor Repub., May 12, 1846.

3. (Abject) Jameson, Calhoun Corresp, 993. 77Almonte, June 19, priv.; Sept. 20, 1844; Mar. 17, priv., 1845. (Panic) Amer. Review, Sept, 1845, 222.

4. To precisely what extent European journals were read in Mexico cannot be determined; but it seems probable that few important expressions escaped notice there, and certainly the lending journals were quoted freely.

5. (Differences) 77Almonte, June 19, priv., 1844; 77Relaciones, circular, Nov. 27, 1846; Jameson, Calhoun Corresp, 994; Constitutionnel, May 12; Aug. 5, 1845. Times, Apr. 15, 1845. Diario, Apr, 3, 1845.

6. Times, Apr. 15, 1845. Negrete, México, xxi, 130. 13Elliot, July 3, 1845. Gorostiza, Dictamen. Reflexiones sobre la Memoria. Federación y Tejas. Turnel, Tejas, 95-7. (Elliot in Mex.) Smith, Annex. of Texas, 411-3. 77Deffa dis, July 29, 1835.

7. Britannia, Feb. 15, 1845. (1812) Negrete, México, Ind, 130. 13Pakenham to Harvey, July 20, 1839. Times, Apr. 5, 1845. 77Arangóiz, no. 65, res, Apr, 23, 1845.

8. 345Pninsett to Van Buren, May 26, 1846 (Swarms of the best irregular cavalry that I have ever seen). Watson, Taylor, 113-4 (The British, Spanish, and Prussian ministers at Washington agreed that Scott would be beaten; Calderón spoke as quoted in the text). (Generals) Wash. Union, Dec. 18, 1846. Elliot, note 6. Times, July 5, 1845.

Napoleon said, "The first quality of a soldier is constancy in enduring fatigue and hardship" (Maxims, 47). In this quality the Mexicans excelled.

9. Requena in Monitor Repub, Mar. 9, 1846. Negrete, México, mi, 131. (Boosted) 52W. S. Parrott, Dec. 14, 1835. Memoria de. H Roldciones, Jan, 1849. Boletín Oficial, Apr. 15, 1845. Apuntes, 168. Thompson, Recalls, 170-1 (Self-confidence) Mafras, Explor., i, 70. 76Min. war, circular, Nov. 11. (Ensure) Diario. Sept. 25. 1845. (Voz del P.) Federación y Tejas.

10. (Texas) Tornel, Tejos, 95-7; 13Bankhead, no. 125, Dec. 30, 1845.