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Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 1.djvu/596

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Bonham, Milledge L.125Letters: Dr. Milledge Lake Bonharn, III.
Botello, Narciso.126Anales del Sur de In California: Bancroft Coll.
Boyle, John. 127Letter: Miss Esmeralda Boyle.
Brackett, A. G. 128Diary: Mrs. Brackett.
Breckenridge, Robert J. 129Papers: Library of Congress.
Brichta, A. C. 130Letter: belonging to the Family.
Brindle, William. 131Statement: J. D. Parrish, Esq.
Buchanan, James. 132Papers: Pennsylvania Hist. Soc.
Buck, Dr. Solon J. 133Collection.
Burton, C. M. 134Collection, Public Library, Detroit.
Butler, Anthony. 135Papers: Univ. of Texas.
Butterfield, James. 136Recollections.
Calhoun, John C. 137Papers: Clemson Coll.
Calhoun, John C. 137aPapers: Library of Congress.
Campbell, William B. 138Letters: John DeWitt, Esq.
Campbell, William B. (and David). 139Papers: Lemuel R. Campbell, Esq.; Mrs. James S. Pilcher.
Cantwell, John L. P. 140Letter: Miss Jessica R. Smith.
Carson, J. C. 141Statement: Bancroft Coll.
Carson, J. H. 142Gold Mines of 1848: Bancroft Coll.
Cary, T. G. 143California Papers: Boston Public, Library.
Cassidy, P. A. 144Recollections.
Castro, Manuel. 145Documentos para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Caswell, William R. 14GDiary and Letters: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Chamberlain, S. E. 147Diary: loaned by the writer.
Chamberlain, S. E. 143Recollections (verbal).
Chase, Salmon P. 149Papers. Library of Congress.
Cheatham, B. F. 150Diary and Papers: Mrs. Telfair Hodgson.
Claiborne, J. F. H. 151Papers: State of Mississippi, Dept. of Hist.
Claiborne, Thomas. 152Memoirs: belonging to the family.
Claims Commission of 1849. 153Book of Awards; 154Book of Opinions ; 155Journal: U. S. State Dept.
Clay, Henry. 156Papers: Library of Congress.
Cobb, Howell. 151Papers (printed later by the Amer. Hist. Assoc.): Dr. U. B. Phillips.
Cobb, Howell. 158Papers: Dr. R. P. Brooks.
Collins, Francis. 159Papers (published later in the Qtrly. Publication of the Hist. and Philos. Soc. of Ohio, 1915, Nos. 243).
Columbus. 160Record of Punishments, 184677: U. S. Naval Academy Library.
Congress. 161Journal of a Cruise, 1846: U. S. Naval Academy Library.
Conner, David. 162Papers: Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Conner, David. 163Papers: P. F. Madigan, Esq.
Conner, David. 164Papers: Library of Congress.
Conner, David. 165Papers: Navy Dept. Library.
Conner, David. 166Papers: New York City Library.
Coutts. 167Diary of a March to California: Bancroft Coll.