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Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 1.djvu/599

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Mangum, W. P. 255Papers; A. w. Graham. Esq
Marcy, W. L. 256Papers: Library of Congress.
Markoe and Maxcy. 257Papers: Library of Congress.
Marshall. Henry. 258Recollections: Bancroft Coll.
Maryland Hist. Soc. 259Collection.
Massachusetts Hist. Sue. 260Cullection.
Mémoires. 261I, Apparently prepared by the French agent in Mexico; 261a II, Sur les Revolutions du Mexique: Dépt. des Affaires Etrangéres. Paris.
Memories. 262Reports issued under this title by Depts. of the Mexican government (see·also "Memorias" under the head of Books and Pamphlets. A number of the Memorias were not published—unless in newspapers——but exist in MS. in the library of the Sría. de Relaciones).
Mervine, William. 263Letter Books and Papers: Navy Dept. Library.
Mexican Hist. 264Documents: Museo Nacional, Mexico.
Miller. N. C. 265Letter.
Miller. W. D. 266Papers: belonging to the family.
Mississippi Dept. of Hist. 267Cullections (Dr. Dunhar Rowland, Director).
Missouri Hist. Soc. 268Collection.
Molina, Señ. D. Ignacio. 269Recllections (verbal).
Moore, H. Judge. 270Diary.
Morales, J. B. 271Papers: Library of Congress.
Morgan, George. 272Memoir of: Col. J. M. Morgan.
Mullan, James. 273Diary: belonging to the family.
Neeld, Peter C. 274Letter.
Nelson, T. B., Jr. 275Letter: Mrs. Annie J. Holland.
Neville, Harvey. 276Diary: Chicago Hist. Soc.
New York Hist. Soc. 277Collection.
Niehenke.R. 278Statement.
Notes. 279Sur les Possessions Espagnoles en Amérique: Dépt. des Affaires Etrangéres. Paris.
Nunelee, S. F. 280Diary: James Howell Nunelee, Esq.
O'Keefe, Michael 281Statement: Justin H. Smith.
Olivera. Agustín. 282Documentos para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Orders (General and Special). 283Army of the North under Mejía, Ampudia and Arista: New York Hist Soc.
Otero. M. 284Comunicación que sobre las Negoc. Diplom., etc.: Yale Univ. Library.
Parades y Arrillaga, Mariano. 285Papers: Señ. Lic. D. Genaro García.
Parkrr, James. 286statement.
Parrish. P. C. 287Diary.
Pennsylvania Hist. Soc. 288Collection.
Pérez de Acal. 289Papers: Guadalajara Public Library.
Pico. Pio (Familia Pico). 290Documentos para la. Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Pierce, Franklin. 291Papers: Library of Congress.