Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/12

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12. Battle of Contreras 107
Based on the Turnbull map (No. 11 supra) ; a *plan of Capt. Gardner (Pierce Papers) ; *notes by Capt. Henshaw on a map by Hardcastle (Mass. Hist. Society) ; a *sketch by Lieut. Collins, 4th Artillery (Collins Papers) ; New Orleans Picayune, Sept. 12, 1847 ; a plan by Balbontin (Invasion Americana) ; and a map in Apuntes.
13. Battle of Churubusco 111
Based on the Turnbull map (No. 11 supra) ; a map drawn by Hardcastle from the surveys of Mason and Hardcastle (Sen. Ex. Doc. 1 ; 30 Cong., 1 sess.) ; and a sketch by Balbontin ("Invasion Americana").
14. The Tete de Pont, Churubusco 112
*Drawn by Lieuts. Beauregard and Tower from Beauregard's survey (War Dept., Washington).
15. Profile of East Curtain, Tete de Pont, Churubusco 113
*Drawn by Beauregard from the surveys of Lieuts. McClellan, Beauregard, and Foster (War Dept., Washington).
16. The Fortifications of Churubusco Convent 114
*Drawn by Beauregard and Tower from Beauregard's survey (War Dept., Washington).
17. Battles of Mexico : General Map 141
Based on a map drawn by Hardcastle from the surveys of Turnbull, McClellan, and Hardcastle (Sen. Ex. Doc. 1 ; 30 Cong., 1 sess.) ; and a map drawn by McClellan and Hardcastle (published by the government).
18. Battle of Molino del Key 143
Based on the maps specified under No. 17 supra; a sketch by Hardcastle (Sen. Ex. Doc. 1 ; 30 Cong., 1 sess.) ; and a sketch in New Orleans Picayune, Oct. 17, 1847.
19. Battle of Chapultepec 150
Based upon the maps specified under No. 17 supra; a *sketch drawn by Tower from surveys of Beauregard and Tower (War

Dept., Washington) ; a plan accompanying Gen. Quitman report (Sen. Ex. Doc. 1 ; 30 Cong., 1 sess.) ; "recollections of Senor D. Ignacio Molina, Chief Cartographer of the Fomento Dept., Mexico.

20. Blindage at Chapultepec 151
21. The Citadel, Mexico, in 1840 (War Dept. *plan, Washington). 159
22. Alvarado, Mexico 198
A *plan by J. L. Mason (War Dept., Washington).
23. A Part of Tabasco River 205
Based on a map in Ho. Ex. Doc. 1 ; 30 Cong., 2 sess.