Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/385

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3. This specimen may be quoted: "The cunning dissimulator, Ibarra {a member of the Cabinet], venomous as a serpent, crawls forth obscurely from his lurking-place to-day in order that he may set his malignant teeth to-morrow in the vitals of the republic. . . . Off with the heads of the vile traitors!" One ingenious writer said: If Santa Anna will not sacrifice his vanity by admitting he is incompetent, why should we sacrifice our lives and property? April 21 a general amnesty for political offences was declared in the vain hope of producing harmony (76to Bustamante, Apr. 21).

4, This important law provided (México á través, iv, 656): 1, The government is authorized to take all steps necessary to carry on the war and preserve the republican system; 2, but it must not make peace with the United States, cede territory, conclude negotiations [particularly with reference to a monarchical régime] with foreign powers; 3, make colonization contracts, impose punishments or confer civil or military appointments except those placed within its authority by the Constitution; 4, any arrangement between the United States and authorities superseding the present government shall be void; 5, any person, whatever his status, who treats with the United States is hereby declared a traitor; 6, should Congress be unable to meet, its place shall be taken by a council of government, consisting of the senior member present of each state delegation.

5. Affairs at Mexico, Apr. 20 to May 18. S. Anna, Apelación, 44-5; app., 76. Id., Detall,8. Dublán, Legislación, v, 267 (Apr. 20). Giménez, Mems., 107-9. Méx. en 1847, 20. Picayune, May 6, 20. Defensa de . . . Estrada. 312Basadre to S. Anna, Apr. 9, very private. 73Bermúdez de Castro, no. 517, June 29. Manifiesto del Supr. Tribunal. Molina, El Asalto. Memoria de. . . Relaciones, Jan., 1849. Boletín de Noticias, May 14. Republicano, May 10, 22. Courrier Français, May 5. London Times, June 15; July 9. Bustamante, Nuevo Bernal, ui, 196-8. Encarnacion Prisoners, 67. 52Trist, no. 7, June 13. 92Donations, Mex., May 1-6. 92Bravo, proclam., May 6. Roa Bárcena, Recuerdos, 570. 92Ayunt., call for volunteers, May 20. Consideraciones. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 967 (Worth). 80Olaguíbel to Relac., Aug. 15. Lara, Resumen, 66, note. México á través, iv, 655-6, 661, 704. Prieto, Memorias, ii, 210-2. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 255. Ramírez, México, 229, 233-4, 239, 241, 246-7, 250-1, 256, 272-7, 284. 88Metropol. dean, May 8. Monitor Repub., Apr. 22; May 3, 8, 10-11. S. Anna, manifiesto, Mar. 24, 1848. Apuntes, 199, 200-1, 203-4. 80Guerra to gov., Mar. 11; Apr. 22. 80Gov. to Bravo, May 5. Diario, Apr. 25, 28; May 3, 4, 6, 12, 15. From the following. Decrees, Apr. 26; May 1. Junta directiva, May 1, 3. Acuerdo, Apr. 20, 25. Circular, Apr. 30. Garrison, estado, May 13. To generals, Apr. 25. *To Brito, May 25. J. J. Miñon, Apr. 24. Deserters, May 15. Circular, May 4. Basadre, May 16, res. To Alvarez, Apr. 26. To Monterde, May 18. To S. Anna, Apr. 20-2. To Bravo, Apr. 24. To Bustamante, Apr. 21. Almonte, Apr. 28, 30; May 8, 12, 15, 18. Monterde, May 9. Bravo, May 11, 16. Rincón, May 17. S. Anna, May 16.

6. Affairs at Mexico, May 18 to June 2. Negrete, Invasion, ili, app., 61-72, 81-3; iv, app., 261-8, 273-4. Tributo á la Verdad, 56, 74-6. Giménez, Memorias, 109-11. S. Anna to Congress, May 28 (Biblioteca Nac.). Jd., Apelación, app., 83-8. Id., Detall, 8. Defensa de. . . Estrada. Sen. 52; 30, 1, p. 177-8. Portrait of Anaya: city hall, Mex. Picayune, July 15; Aug. 7, 8. Monitor Repub., May 20; June 3, 4, 14;