Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/418

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The American Review (Whig) argued that the rejection of the counter-projet (which conceded to us Texas as far as the Nueces and California down to 37 degrees) proved that Polk was fighting, not for peace, but for conquest; but the counter-projet did not recognize the American claim to the Rio Grande line nor to an indemnity for the costs of the war, which Mexico had forced upon us. Any one interested in the equity of the matter should read the reply to the Mexican commissioners drafted by Trist (Sen. 20; 30, 1, p. 14).

21. Army feeling. 252Mackall to wife, Feb. 21, 1848. Picayune, Oct. 17. 221Hill, diary. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 271, 290. 291Pierce to wife, Aug. 23; Sept. 1. Robertson, Visit, ii, 344. Lawton, Artill. Officer, 309. Diccionario Universal (Mixcoac). Semmes, Service, 414, 427. Calderón, Life, 1, 142, 146. N. Y. Sun, Sept. 16. Such scenes were noted with keen appreciation not only by officers but by privates, as diaries and letters attest. Clear afternoons and evenings occur now and then even at the height of the rainy season.


1. Hardcastle's map (Sen. 1; 30, 1, p. 312) and (as elsewhere) the author's observations. So. Qtrly. Rev., Oct., 1852. Negrete, Invasión, iv, app., 295-6. Balbontín, Invasión, 126. Grant, Mems., i, 149. 66J. L. Mason to J. L. Smith, Sept. 25. 66Stevens to Smith, Sept. 25. Semmes, Service, 436, 440. Apuntes, 290-1. Picayune, Aug. 8. Delta, Oct. 14. Sen. 1; 30, 1, pp. 355 (Scott), 373 (Sumner), 425-6 (Smith). Wise, Gringos (N. Y., 1849), 259. 269Molina, recolls.

The foundry was decreed in July, 1846 (76report on artillery, Nov., 1846; Memoria de . . . Guerra, Dec.). The building it occupied had been a powder mill. The principal entrance to El Molino was by an archway near the south end. Sept. 5 Scott heard that bells had been sent to El Molino to be cast into cannon (Sen. 1; 30, 1, p. 355). Santa Anna did in fact call for gifts of bells, etc. to be used for military purposes (76Carrera, Sept. 6).

2. Sen. 52; 30, 1, pp. 381-2 (S. Anna to Scott, Sept. 6). 76To Herrera, Sept. 6. 100Guerra, circular, Sept. 11. Apuntes, 290-2. S. Anna, Mi Historia, 75. Id., Detall, 23. 76Acuerdo, Sept. 4. Giménez, Memorias, 266. 76Alvarez to S. Anna, Sept. 25. Negrete, Invasión, iv, app., 293. Balbontín, Invasión, 125-6. Grant, Mems., i, 151. Mason to Smith: note 1. 76Alvarez, Sept. 6. Sen. 1; 30, 1, app., 184-5 (Dunean). Roa Bárcena, Recuerdos, 424.

3. Ramírez, México, 299. 73Lozano, nos. 2, 8, res., 1847. 199Anon. MS. Kenly, Md. Vol., 346. 8S. Anna, Apelación, 49. Giménez, Memorias, 111. 358Williams to father, Oct. 1. Exposición dirigida. 179 Diario Esactísimo. Negrete, Invasión, iv, app., 295-6. 100Alcorta, circular, Sept. 11. 76Tornel, decree, Sept. 7.

4. Smith, Co. A, Corps of Engineers. 221Hill, diary. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 296. 260Henshaw, comments on map. 217Id. to wife, Sept. 13. 65Scott, gen. orders, Sept. 7. Sen. 1; 30, 1, pp. 354 (Scott), 361 (Worth), 425 (Smith). 178Davis, diary. Sen. 65; 30, 1, p. 298 (Scott). Mason to Smith: note 1. 66Foster to Smith, Sept.8. 66Beauregard to Smith, Sept. 20. 224Hitchcock, introd. to intercepted letters. So. Qtrly. Rev., Oct., 1852, 302. Semmes, Service, 431-4.

Under Scott's orders, Pillow with the Ninth and Fifteenth Infantry