Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/425

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25. 76To Bravo, Sept. 10. 76Bravo, Sept. 11. 76Tornel to Carrera, Sept. 9. 92Ayunt. to S. Anna, Sept. 11. 92Letter from Piedad, Sept. 11. 199Anon. MS.

15. 76Bravo, Sept. 14. Negrete, Invasión, iii, app., 427; iv, app., 299-300. 179Diario Esactísimo. London Times, Nov. 13. S. Anna, Detall, 26. 76To comtes. gen. Querétaro and Guanajuato, Sept. 12. Arco Iris, Nov. 30. Apuntes, 310-2. 70Trial of Bravo ("Guerra," no. 273). 70Trial of Terrés ("Guerra," no. 155). Molina, Asalto. 269Id., recolls. Prieto, Memorias, li, 241-3. Rangel, Parte (with notes).

16. Sen. 1; 30, 1, pp. 377 (Scott), 410-2 (Quitman); app., 231 (Mackenzie). Sen. 65; 30, 1, pp. 143 (Lee), 193, 200-1 (Worth), 259 (Quitman). Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 301-2. Henshaw narrative. 376Nicholson, recolls. 221Hill, diary.

17. The battle of Chapultepec. Sen. 1; 30, 1, pp. 375, 391-425; app., 169-231 (reports of Scott and officers). Sen. 65; 30, 1, pp. 119 (Tilton), 146 (Lee), 155-6, 158 (Bennett), 170, 172 (Hooker), 204-9 (Rains), 217-8 (Drum), 219 (Bates), 220-1 (Johnston), 222 — 4 (Loeser), 270-5 (Howard). Stevens, Stevens, i, 208-10. Niles, Oct. 30, p. 137. Cong. Globe, 34, 1, pp. 105-7. Sen. Report 32; 34, 1. Brown, Ninth Inf., 70. Henderson, Science of War, 97 ("The issue of battle"). So. Qtrly. Rev., Jan., 1853, pp. 15-42. 76Bravo, Sept. 14. Negrete, Invasión, ii, app., 428-9; iv, app., 300-4. Balbontín, Invasión, 131. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 302-3. Ballentine, Eng. Sold., ii, 242-7. Davis, Autobiog., 231-2. Henshaw narrative. 180Pillow to wife, Oct. 18. Weekly N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, Mar. 2, 1848. 61Seymour, Oct. 31, 1847. 69H. V. Johnson et al. to Polk, Apr. 6, 1848. 376Nicholson, recolls. 183Drum, recolls. 223Hirschorn, recolls. 66G. W. Smith to Stevens, Sept. 20. 66Tower to J. L. Smith, Sept. 23. Claiborne, Quitman, i, 361-2, 380-6. Raleigh Star, Oct. 27. 221Hill, diary. 200Reid to Gladden, May 27, 1849. S. Anna, Detall, 16, 26-9, 38-42. 151Numerous reports and letters regarding Quitman's operations. 113Beauregard, remins. (based on diary and notes). 151Wilcox, diary. 303Quitman papers. National, Nov. 14. 179Diario Esactísimo. 60Riley to Westcott, Nov. 30, 1847. 60Loring to P. F. Smith, Sept. 27. 68Testimony at Bonneville court martial. 60Miller to sister, undated. 60Id. to mother, Mar. 24, 1848. London Times, Nov. 13, 1847. 335Reynolds to Trist, Sept. 27. Oswandel, Notes, 426. Semmes, Service, 453-5. Arco Iris, Nov. 30. Apuntes, 311, 314-6. 199Anon. MS. Rangel, Parte (with notes). Eco del Comercio, May 1, 1848. Sen. 11; 31, 1 (M. L. Smith, Nov. 30, 1848). Gamboa, Impug., 55. 70"Guerra," no. 1044 (trial of Alemán). 70"Guerra," no. 273 (trial of Bravo). Monitor, Apr. 27, 1848. 70"Guerra," no. 155 (trial of Terrés). Statue of Bravo at Puebla. Delta, Oct. 14, 26; Nov. 3, 20. México á través, iv, 690-5. 76Bravo, Dec. 27. Dunovant, Battles, 5-10. Wash. Union, Nov. 3. Monitor Repub., Oct. 24; Dec. 16 (S. Anna). Nashville Repub. Banner, Oct. 28, 1857. 292Pillow to wife, Oct. 18. Spirit of the Age, Feb. 10; July 29, 1848. Pacheco, Exposíción. Wise, Gringos (N. Y., 1849), 257-9. Calderón, Rectificaciones, 47. Vedette, iv, nos. 3, 8, 12. 327Sutherland to father. Aug.——. 178Davis, diary. Flag of Freedom, Nov. 27. Molina, El Asalto. 269Id., recolls. 291Pierce to Appleton, Sept. 26. 51Marine off., Oct. 20. Reynolds, Exculpation. 131Brindle, statement. Ripley, War with Mexico, ii, 396-402. Encarnacion Prisoners, 84. Hist. Teacheer's Mag., Apr., 1912 (Vieregg).