Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/432

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have struck the S. Cosme highway (by a cross-road) between it and the city; but a large body of cavalry under Torrejón remained and charged in order to gain time for Rangel to make preparations at the garita.

While Quitman was struggling with the intermediate battery, Duncan of Worth's command sent a gun from La Verónica causeway into a road that extended some distance toward the right, and fired at the Mexicans. He and Worth believed they gave Quitman material assistance, but this -does not appear to have been the fact, for the distance was found to be much greater than they supposed (113Beauregard). The better way to aid Quitman would have been to press forward without loss of time, and threaten the rear of the Mexicans opposing Quitman. Later some of Worth's guns did aid Quitman by firing at the garita.

With remarkable daring Capt. Terrett of the Marines, Lieuts. Gore and U. S. Grant of the Fourth Infantry, a few other officers and a small party of men captured the unarmed work near the junction of La Verónica and San Cosme roads by moving to the left round the English cemetery, and took the parapet on the San Cosme highway. From the latter Worth recalled them because the American guns behind them were about to open. Cadwalader, sent to Worth by Scott, was placed by the former at the English cemetery to guard Worth's left and rear. Sumner, after pursuing the Mexicans for some time, was detached to protect Tacubaya. Scott joined Worth near the English cemetery and directed him to carry the garita (Sen. 1; 30, 1, p. 392), but he soon returned to the base of Chapultepec so as to be within easy reach of all his scattered forces (ibid., 382). By Scott's order Huger sent to Worth four siege guns and a mortar, but on account of the nature of the ground none of these pieces was used against the garita (ibid., 424). Santa Anna brought four guns to the garita, but only three of them were available. The stampede from the garita seems to have been due in part to a cornet signal for retreat, meant for a single corps. The cavalry under Alvarez entered the city during the afternoon of Sept. 12. Grant was assisted by Lieut. Lendrum of the Third Artillery in handling the mountain howitzer.

21. The night of Sept. 13-14. Sen. 1; 30, 1, pp. 383 (Scott), 393 (Worth), 416 (Quitman), 424 (Huger), 429 (J. L. Smith); app., 168, ete. (officers). Ho. 60: 30, 1, pp. 1077-9 (Worth), 1079 (Scott). 179Diario Esactísimo. Stevens, Stevens, i, 213,215. Sen. Rep. 32; 34,1. Negrete, Invasión, iii, app., 129, 450; iv, 108, 116-22; app., 309-10. So. Qtrly. Rev., Jan., 1853, p. 49. Davis, Autobiog., 235-7, 287-90. 217Henshaw to wife, Sept. 18 [partly later]. 218Henshaw narrative. 61Gates, Oct. 6. 376Nicholson, recolls. 151Steptoe to Lovell, Sept. 16. London Times, Nov. 13. 92S. Anna to Mex. ayunt., Sept. 15. 80Ferndndez to gov. Michoacán, Sept. 138. 80Relac. to Olaguíbel, Sept. 14. S. Anna, Mi Historia, 83. Gamboa, Impug., 57-8. 70"Guerra," no. 954 (trial of Bonilla). 366Ayunt. poster, Sept. 25. Monitor Repub., Sept. 27 (Pacheco); Oct. 2 (S. Anna). S. Anna, Contestación. Lawton, Artill. Off., 315. 73Lozano, nos. 4 and 8, res., 1847. Ramírez, México, 318. 92Mex. ayunt. to Scott, Sept. 13, 11 p.m. S. Anna, Apelación, 58-9. Calderón, Rectificaciones, 48. Giménez, Memorias, 114. Stevens, Vindication. Raleigh Star, Oct. 27. 112Beauregard to Quitman, Sept. 17. 113Id., remins. Rangel, Parte (with notes). Claiborne, Quitman, i, 370. 221Hill, diary. Semmes, Service, 463. Hitchcock, Fifty Years, 304. S. Anna, Detall, 32-3. Apuntes, 334-5. Roa Bárcena, Recuerdos, 503-4.