Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/435

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76Mora, Mar. 31; Apr. 7; May 12. Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 1118-49, 1170, 1172, 1175, 1177, 1180, 1185-8, 1195, 1197-8 (Taylor); 1003, 1193-4 (Marcy). 76A. Chávez, July 29. 76González to Urrea, July 12. 76 Valencia, June 7, 19, 26. 76Filisola, Aug. 10. 76Extracto, Aug. 10. Scott, Mems., 11, 409-11, 460. 354Welles papers. 330Taylor, Aug. 16. Spirit of the Age, Feb. 17, 1848. 76Peña y Barragán, June 26, 1847. Charleston Mercury, Sept. 2. Polk, Diary, May 11. 61Adj. gen. to Brooke, May 29; to Taylor, July 16; to Talcott, Mar. 24. 69Wool to Bliss, Aug. 25. (Tampico) Kenly, Md. Vol., 241, 244, 252; 69Riley to Bliss, Dec. 14, 1846; 61Shields to adj. gen., Jan. 19, 1847; 66Beauregard to Gates, Feb. 24; 761. Múñoz, Dec. 19, 21, 25, 1846; 65Gates, special orders 7, Feb. 25, 1847; 76Váldez to F. de Garay, Jan. 3, 1847; 76 Garay, Jan. 22, res., 29, res.; 76J. J. Landero, Jan. 25; 76S. Anna, Jan. 9; 76F. de Garay, Jan. 22; 76to Mora, May 24. (Tamaulipas authorities) 76J. Cardenás to Relaciones, Nov. 16, 1847; 76Urrea, Nov. 15; 75Memoria de . . . Relaciones, Nov. 19; 76gov. Tam. to comte. gen. Tam., Jan. 17, 1848; 76Id. to Relaciones, Nov. 29, 1847; 76Tam. congress, decree, Nov. 14. (Taylor's going home) 61Taylor, Oct. 26, 1847; Sen. 52; 30, 1, p. 145 (Marcy); 330Taylor to Gen.——, Aug. 16, 1847; Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 1199, 1213-4 (Taylor); 1210 (Jones). (Costume) Delta, Aug. 3, 1847. 69Wool, gen. orders, Dec. 22, 1847.

The distance from Camargo to Mexico City seems to have been about 820 miles by the direct road. As early as May 11, 1847, Polk remarked to the Cabinet that it was more important to reinforce Scott than Taylor (Diary). In March, 1847, Taylor had: (regulars) 2 cos. of First Dragoons; ditto, Second Dragoons; four artillery cos. (C of Ist; C and E of 3d; B of 4th) with batteries; five artillery cos. as infantry; (volunteers) Arkansas horse regt.; ditto, Kentucky; two cos. Texas horse; two regts. Kentucky foot; three Ohio foot; three Ind. foot; two II. foot; two Miss. foot; one each Va., No. Car., So. Car. and Mass. foot (62adj. gen. to ordnance dept., March 24, 1847). June 16 Taylor wrote that Wool would soon have at Buena Vista six regular companies (Second Dragoons, Fourth Artillery), four cos. of volunteer horse (First Arkansas, Third Texas), and Marshall's brigade (in all about 2500); that there would be a small garrison at Monterey, and that the troops on or coming to the Rio Grande would go to a camp of instruction at Mier. He reckoned that by August 15 he would have about 8000 effectives (Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 1177, 1180). The New Orleans Delta of Aug. 3 said Wool had at Buena Vista about 2900, Taylor at Monterey 800, and the posts at Cerralvo, Mier and Matamoros about 3300. In May and June the time of practically all Taylor's 12-months men (thirteen regts.) was out. Only enough for one company would reënlist. The government intended Taylor should have after losing these men fully 10,000, to wit (Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 924-6): (regulars) Hopping's brigade consisting of Tenth Infantry (N. Y., N. J.) under Col. Temple; Thirteenth Infantry (Va., Ga., Ala., Fla.) under Col. Echols; Sixteenth Infantry (Ky., Ind., Ill.) under Col. Tibbatts; and also the Third Dragoons; (volunteers) Marshall's brigade (one regt. each from *Miss., *Va. and *No. Car., five Va. companies — *three of them already in Mexico); Lane's brigade (Ill. regt., Hl. horse co., Ind. regt., five N. J. cos., one Fla. co., one Ark. horse co., five Texas horse cos.); Cushing's brigade (*Mass. regt., Ohio regt., Ohio horse co., five D. C. and Md. cos., five Ala. cos., one Ala. horse co.). (The star means "already in Mexico.") In spite of this it was charged that the