Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/457

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3. 354Welles papers. Ho. 188, 191; 29, 1. Howe, Bancroft, 1, 292. -Polk, Diary, Sept. 9, 1846; Feb. 20, 1847. 108Buchanan to Bancroft, Sept. 29, 1847. 256Marcy to Wetmore, Nov. 28, 1845. Seward, Seward at Wash.,i, 51. "Bancroft" was of course George Bancroft, the historian.

4. 48Bancroft to Conner, Aug. 30, 1845, secret. London Times, June 11, 1846. 52Bancroft, no. 25, 1847. 52King, no. 28, 1846. 52Martin, no. 14, 1847. Picayune, May 7, 1846. 58Spofford, Tyleston & Co., Dec. 11, 1846. 13Bankhead, no. 79, 1845. 58Emory, Stetson & Co., June 5, 1847. 46Newell to J. Y. Mason, Nov. 25, 1846. Sen. 1; 30, 1, 915 (Mason, report). Richmond Enquirer, Aug. 15, 1845. Phila. No. Amer., June 20, 1845. Memoria de . . . Guerra, Dec. 9, 1846. México á través, iv, 569. 13Pakenham, no. 42, 1846. 52Saunders (Madrid), nos. 9, 12, 1847. 52Littlefield to Saunders, May 2, 1847. N. Y. Herald (weekly), May 16, 1846. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 566 (Jesup). Boston Atlas, May 18, 1846. Buchanan, Works, vii, 325-6 (to W. R. J.), 355-6 (to T. N. C.). 49Bancroft to Conner, Aug. 29, 1846. What is said of Cuba applies to Porto Rico also.

5. (Action of Mexico) 13Bankhead, nos. 68, 100, 147, 150, 161, 1846; London Times, Jan. 8, 18, 15, 1847; Dublán, Legislación, v, 161; 52Shdell to Buchanan, Mar. 27, 1846; 52Martin, no. 11, 1847; 297Mackenzie (S. Anna) to Buchanan, July 7, 1846; Semmes, Service, 80-1; México á través, iv, 569; 52Consul Black, Sept. 28; Oct. 29, 1846; 73Bermúdez de Castro, nos. 294, res., 368, 1846; 52Bancroft, no. 16, 1847; 76Tornel, circular (regulations), July 26, 1846; Memoria de . . . Relaciones, Dec., 1846; 52Memoria de. . . Guerra, Dec., 1846; Diario, July 27; Oct. 3, 1846. Irving (Madrid), no. 8, 1847. London Times, Jan. 8, 13, 15, 1847. Semmes, Service, 80. Sen. 1; 29, 2, pp. 40-1. 52Saunders (Madrid), no. 9, 1847. 76Almonte, Dec. 10, 1846. Buchanan, Works, vil, 334 — 42 (to R. M. 8.).

6. 52Martin, no. 11,1847. 52Bancroft, no. 16,1847. 52Irving, July 18, 1846. Richardson, Messages, iv, 495-6. Sen. 1; 30, 1, 945-6 (report). Wash. Union, July 22, 1847. The 29th Cong., second session, provided for the punishment of the citizens (apprehended on privateers) of those states having treaties with the U. S. which made their acts piracy (Wash. Union, Mar. 9, 1847; 13Pakenham, no. 26, 1847). 108Bancroft to Buchanan, Feb. 3, 1847. 13For. Off. to Bankhead, no. 34, 1845. Cong. Globe, 29, 1, p. 811 (Berrien). Buchanan, Works, vil, 23, 52. The suggestion of commissioning American privateers excited opposition in Europe. It was feared that they would molest neutrals. Even in the U. S. it was opposed (Dayton in Senate, Jan. 27, 1847). Nothing came of it.

7. (England) 13Bankhead, nos. 79, 1845; 150, 1846; 13To Bankhead, nos. 34, 1845; 1, 1847; London Times, Jan. 22, 1847; Britannia, Jan. 23, 1847; 52Bancroft, no. 16, 1847; Monitor Repub., Nov. 21, 1846; 52Bancroft, no. 18, 1847; 108Id. to Buchanan, Feb. 3, 1847; 73Bermúdez de Castro, no. 294, res., 368, 1846. (France) 52Martin, nos. 11, 15, 1847; 52Guizot to Martin, Feb. 26, 1847. (Spain) 73Bermidez de C., nos. 294, res., 368, 1846; 52To Consul Campbell, May 14, 1846; 77Mex. Consul, Havana, Dec. 10, 1846, res.; 76Almonte, Dec. 10, 1846; 72Instructs. to capt. gen., June 18, 1846; 52Irving, July 18, 1846; nos. 5, 8, 1847; 71docs. relating to Cuban ports; Sen. 1; 29, 2, p. 40; Boston Courier, Jan. 20, 1847; Buchanan, Works, vii, 334 (to R. M. S.). Sen. 1; 30, 1, 945-6 (report). Picayune, Aug. 26, 1846. Conner, Home Squadron, 12.