Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/459

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Union, Oct. 10, 1846; 313Id. to Conner, Oct. 24; Semmes, Service, 106; 162Conner, Jan. 28, 1847. (Somers) Sen. 43; 29, 2; Sen. 1; 30, 1, pp. 945, 950; 374Semmes to Conner, Dec. 10, 1846; 13Pakenham, no. 151, 1846.

Just after the blockade began at Vera Cruz Gen. Bravo, commanding there, permitted several American vessels to leave the port, and in acknowledgment of his liberality two Mexican merchant vessels were sent in to him with their cargoes, crews and passengers. Courteous notes were exchanged (76Gacyores to Bravo, May 27; reply, May 28; Bravo, May 26). At Tampico Capt. Saunders and the city authorities were mutually considerate (313S. to Bancroft, June 6, 1846).

10. (Designed) London Times, Dec. 10, 1846. Comte. gen. V. Cruz, July 9, 1846. Sen. 1; 30, 1, 945, 950-1. 13Pakenham, no. 98, 1846. 162Conner, Dec. 18, 1846. Foltz, Report. Niles, Oct. 10, 1846, pp. 84-5. 47Conner, July 22, 1846. Semmes, Service, 100. Parker, Recolls., 58, 62, etc. McClay, Navy, ii, 177-8. Bennett, Steam Navy, 98. Ho. 1; 30, 2, p. 1233 (Perry).

11. 73Bermúdez de Castro, no. 441, 1847. Lerdo de Tejada, Apuntes, ii, 540. Henshaw narrative, Mar. 17, 1847. Smith, To Mexico, 117-8. Ho. 1; 30, 2, p. 1283 (Perry). 13Giffard, Jan. 31, 1847. Picayune, Mar. 11, 1847. Contributory tariff: pp. 261-3.

12. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 775 (Bancroft). (Mex. navy) Balbontín, Estado, 19; Diario, Apr. 4, 5, 1846; 70"Guerra," no. 1120; 13Giffard, Dec. 20, 1846. 76Acta of naval offs., Mar. 12, 1846. Memoria de . . . Guerra, Dec., 1846. 76Mora y Villamil, Mar. 12, 1846. 76Orders to Marín, Mar. 9, 1846. 76Marín, Apr. 26, 1847. N.Y. Sun, June 8, 1846. Niles, May 1, 1847, p. 131 (Hunter).

13. 375Perry to Mason, Nov. 16, 1846. Conner, Home Squadron, 9, 11,14. Parker, Recolls., 67, 71. 162Morris to Conner, June 24; Oct. 24, 1846. Ho. 1; 30, 2, pp. 1172 (Conner), 1191-2 (Perry). 46Perry, Nov. 16, 1846. Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 252-3. Taylor, Broad Pennant, 287, 293. 166Perry to Conner, Dec. 27, 1846. 166Reports on condition of engines, boilers, etc. Bennett, Steam Navy, 93. 47Conner, Sept. 22, 1846. Soley, Porter, 64. 165Conner, Nov. 24, 1846.

14. 162Conner's letters to his wife. Curtis, Buchanan, 1, 603 (Slidell). Soley, Porter, 53-4. Semmes, Service, 114, 128. Conner, Home Squadron, 6, 23. 162Bancroft to Conner, Dee. 10, 1845. 162Matson to Id., Feb. 27, 1847.

15. 48Bancroft to Conner, Aug. 30, 1845, secret. Polk, Diary, Jan. 17, 1846. Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 774-5 (Bancroft). 69Conner to Taylor, Feb. 4. 47Id. to Bancroft, May 14. 162Id., May 20. 61Bancroft to Conner, Jan. 17. London Times, June 29; Dee. 10. Semmes, Service, 100. 76Bravo, May 4. Tampico Eco, June 9, 16. 76Parrodi, June 8, 17. 76Vilar to Parrodi, June 8. 162Saunders to Conner, June 20. 313Id. to Id., June 17. 313Id. to Wash. Union, Oct. 10. Niles, May 23, 1846, p. 178. Sen. 1; 29, 2, p. 377 (Mason, report). Conner, Home Squadron, 9. Bennett, Steam Navy, 34-5, 43, 62-8, 67-8, 71. Ho. 1); 30, 2, p. 1163 (Conner). Picayune, Aug. 26. For Conner's coöperation with Taylor see vol. i, pp. 466, 469.

The Princeton was the earliest naval steam propeller. She was rigged as a ship. Saunders opened fire, Jure 8, because he feared new fortifications (near the mouth of the Pánuco) would make it hard to capture Tampico. He did little damage. The enemy replied feebly. Suspect-