Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/469

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prevent the sale of liquor; secondly, to shut out gamblers and other undesirable followers of the army; and, thirdly, to inculcate a sense of humanity and a regard for the rights of the people. In April, 1847, well-to-do refugees were ordered to return to Monterey under the threat of occupying their houses, for while absent they were beyond the reach of American taxes and were encouraging guerillas (97Monterey judge, Apr. 14, 1847). A similar policy was followed elsewhere.

9. American officers were not, however, flabby in protecting the lives of their men, and sometimes the authorities or the people of a place where one of these fell a victim to Mexican hate were held responsible until the culprit was discovered (e.g., 61Wool to Pleasanton, Jan. 15, 1848). Such wholesale justice was often the only possible kind, and there is ample evidence that even the cruel retaliation practised by our soldiers had good effects.

10. The Monterey district. Meade, Letters, ii., 108, 130, 147, 161. 218Henshaw narrative. Picayune, Jan. 27, 1847, 212Hastings, diary, May 28, 1847. Giddings, Sketches, 221, 325. Buhoup, Narrative, 108. Thorpe, Our Army at Monterey, 120. 144Cassidy, recolls. Anon. diary. 97Ayunt., Saltillo, Apr. 14, 1847. 93Ayunt., Monterey, Oct. 8, 1846; May 18, 1847. Durango Registro Oficial, Oct. 15, 1846. Epoca, Oct. 17. London Times, June 15, 1847. 221Hill, diary. 280Nunelee, diary. 303Orders 149, Dec. 3, 1846. Everett, Recolls., 216-9. 13Giffard to Bankhead, May 20, 1846. 13Bankhead, no. 118, 1846. Diario, Oct. 9, 24; Nov.2. Monitor Repub., Oct. 18,28; Nov. 20. Washington Union, Dec. 29. National Intelligencer, Sept. 10; Nov. 11; Dec. 7, 23. Metropol. Mag., Dec., 1907 (Hamilton). Henry, Camp. Sketches, 222-5. Smith, To Mexico, 85, 89. 61Hamtramck to McDowell, Jan. 20, 1848. 65Wool, orders 67, Feb. 26, 1848. 65Taylor, gen. orders, 126, Oct. 5, 1846; 149, Dec. 2. 65Patterson, orders, Sept. 29; Oct. 14. 65Wool, orders 7, 15, 25, 31, 64, 66-7, 94, 112, Jan.-Mar., 1848. 65Taylor, special orders 114, Sept., 1847. 65Wool, special orders 147, 156, Dec., 1847. 61Wool to Hamtramck, Dec. 18, 1847. 61McDowell to Hamtramck, Dec. 10, 1847; to Butler, Mar. 2, 1848. 61Wool to Pleasanton, Jan. 15, 1848. 307Roberts, diary, Nov. 28; Dec. 5, 1846. Delta, Aug. 15, 1847. 147Chamberlain, diary. Apuntes, 65. Gaceta Extraordinaria, Victoria, Aug. 17, 1846. Wilhelm, Eighth Infantry, i, 281. 69Morales to Taylor, Sept. 29; Oct. 6. 65Worth, orders, Oct. 8. 69Id. to Bliss, Sept. 27; Oct. 5. 61Id., endorsement on statement of Gaines. 61Taylor, June 4, 1847. 61Wool to Jones, May 9, 1848. J. Davis in Cong. Globe, 37, 1, app., p. 1034. 93Mitchell, proclam., Apr. 6, 1847. 93Tibbatts, orders, Sept. 8, 1847. Republicano, Apr. 14, 1847. Carpenter, Travels, 13, 29, 30. 52Dimond, no. 341, May 24, 1846. Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 430-1, 1125, 1188, 1178 (Taylor); 508, 512-3, orders 126, 146, 149; 533, spec. orders 113. Niles, Nov. 14, 1846, p. 165; Nov. 21, p. 180; Apr. 10, 1847, p. 89; Oct. 23, p. 115. 370Taylor to Louisville Legion, Dec. 1, 1846. Hist. Mag., May, 1870 (Deas). Sen. 32; 31,1, p. 43. 214Hays and Caperton, Life of Hays. Observador Zacatecano, Dec. 27, 1846, supplement. 76González to S. Anna, Nov. 21, 1846. 76Garcia to Parrodi, Aug. 10, 1846. 76Ampudia, Oct. 4, 1846. 76J. F. Rada, Oct. 17. 76Letter from Cadercita, Apr. 5, 1847. 76Many others.

By the end of the war desolation marked the route from the Rio Grande to Saltillo except at the sizable towns. To the credit of the volunteers it should be added that on Mar. 9, 1847, two priests and other citizens of