Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/476

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orders (1848), 130. 65Kearny, orders 172. 65Scott, gen. orders 75, 87, 101. 60Wilson to Marcy, Aug. 1, 1847. 61Worth, orders 1-7. 61Kearny, Apr. 9, 1848, and endorsement. Don Simplicio, Apr. 21, 1847. Diario, Apr. 13, 1847. Long, Lee, 68. 60Scott, Apr. 5, 1847. Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 914 (Scott); 938 (Dorich). 166Pommarès to Conner, Oct. 7, 1846. Stevens, Stevens, i, 117-8. 12Pell of Sloop Daring, Nov. 30, 1847. Kenly, Md. Vol., 288-9.

31. The Córdoba district. 88Ayuntamiento archives. Moreno, Cantón, 378, 380, 382-3. London Saturday Review, 1865, p. 6. 65Bankhead, orders 11, 12, 28.

32. The Orizaba district. 94Ayuntamiento archives. Cubas, Cuadro, 54. Velasco, Geografía, iii, 179. Diccionario Universal (Orizaba). 65Bankhead, orders 38, 100. 69Collección de Itinerarios.

33. Neither at Jalapa nor elsewhere were there many complaints from women. Here the soldiers gave parties. Harlots were the only women present, but they were treated — to the great amusement of the town — as ladies (Roa Bárcena, Recuerdos, 247).

34. The Jalapa district. 90Ayuntamiento archives. Brackett, Lane's Brigade, 62-8. Vigne, Travels, i, 14-16. Bullock, Six Months (1825 ed.), i, 55. Velasco, Geografía, iii, 28, 37, 54, 97. 257Orders and letters from G. H[ughes] to Frank [Markoe]. Oswandel, Notes, 196, 389. Semmes, Service, 205, 215. Nacional, Dec. 22, 1847; Jan. 5, 1848. 69Alcalde to gov., Nov. 25, 27, 1847. 69Orders, Dec. 3, 10, 15, 1847; Feb. 4; Apr. 25; May 7, 1848. 69Patterson to Pillow, Sept. 22, 1846; to ——, Nov. 24, 1847. 69Am. gov. to alecalde, Nov. 26; Dec. 13, 1847; Jan. 17; Feb. 28; Mur. 15, 1848. 69Hughes, proclam., Nov. 30, 1847. 287Parrish, diary. 332Tennery, diary. Picayune, May 28; Dec. 19, 24, 25, 1847. Kenly, Md. Volunteer, 365-8, 382. Wash. Union, May 22, 1847. 159Collins papers. Lyon, Journal, ii, 186. Ward, Mexico, ii, 193. Negrete, Invasión, iii, app., 58-9. Grone, Briefe, 62. Rivera, Jalapa, iii, 900-2; iv, 20, 28-34. 69Hughes to prefect, May 31, 1848; to Scott, Jan. 5, 1848; to first alcalde, Mar. 27, 1848; orders, Nov. 29, 30, 1847; Jan. 10; Feb. 19; May 4, 5, 1848. 69Id. to officers, Jan. 15, 1848. 68Court of inquiry, Jalapa, May 31, 1848. Arco Iris, Dec. 1, 1847. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 1029. Niles, Jan. 1, 1848, p. 276. 76Soto, proclam., Sept. 10, 1847. Roa Bárcena, Recuerdos, 235-6, 245-7. Hartman, Journal, 13. 327Sutherland to father, undated. 13Bankhead, no. 42, 1847 (the conduct of Scott and his officers at Jalapa is "highly extolled").

35. Lawton, Artill. Officer, 272. The presence of Scott, Worth and other superior officers who, as the soldiers knew, could not be trifled with, may help to explain the mystery. (Later some outrages occurred.) The troops were kept within a large square space with sentries at each corner, and the boundaries of it could not be crossed after dark by either civilians or soldiers (Republicano, June 14). At one place on the way to Puebla, wrote a soldier in his diary, a sentry was placed at every shop, and even women selling bread on the street were guarded.

36. Personally Lane discouraged outrages. Once when some of his famished men had robbed a poor man's cornfield Lane, besides having him paid the full amount of the damages, added as much more from his own pocket (Brackett, Lane's Brig., 74-5). It was said that priests were sometimes ill-used, but this was natural enough when they were capable of coöperating with guerillas, inducing American soldiers to desert, and harboring such deserters.