Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/495

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1. On Mexican finances see also vol. ii, pp. 6-8.

2. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 1070, table. Sen. 14; 30, 1, pp. 138-24. 61Scott, memoir on Mexican finances received at the war dept., Jan. 6, 1848. Mexican national accounts were kept in so peculiar a way, and the officials were so much more anxious to conceal than to reveal the truth, that it would be extremely difficult and very likely impossible to state precisely all the details regarding the finances of the government.

3. Ramirez, México, 243-4. Dublán, Legislación, v, 135, 172, 211, 240, 246, 255, 261-3, 286. 80Guerra to Hacienda, Sept. 8, 1847. Diario, Dec. 31, 1846; June 17; July 6, 1847. 76Guerra, circulars, June 17; July 6, 1847. S. Anna, Apelación, 67. 28Proclam. of act'g. gov. Puebla, Nov. 30, 1847. 80Méx. state legislature, address, Apr. 26, 1847. 76S. Anna, Nov. 16, 1846. Vera Cruz state, or at least her governor, showed much zeal, but all her resources were needed for home use. See also chap. xxi, p. 9.

4. 75Report of meeting of govs., Nov., 1847. S. Anna, Apelación, 45, 67. Courrier des Etats Unis, May 22, 1847. Encarnacion Prisoners, 69. México á través, iv, 667. Apuntes, 206-7. Republicano, June 17, 1847. 76Memo., Apr. 6, 1847. Picayune, Aug. 7, 8, 1847. London Times, Sept. 6, 1847. Semmes, Service, 313. Ramírez, México, 238. Gamboa, Impug., 67. Dictamen de la Comisión, 29-30. 92Mexico ayunt., Sept. 9, 1847. 92Tornel to Mexico ayunt., Sept. 12. Ho. 60; 30, 1, p. 1063 (Scott). Ripley, War with Mexico, ii, 126, 489.

The clergy may have given something in addition to the $1,500,000. See the end of chap. xxi, p. 15. The arrangement with the bondholders was known as the "conversion of 1846." This loan gave Mackintosh a particular reason for desiring to have peace made. The loan was to have been repaid in nine months. During July and August, 1847, Santa Anna appears to have raised in one way and another, as indicated in the text, about $1,000,000. The pay of officials was reduced or withheld. For forced loans see chap. i, note 7. In July, 1847, though foreigners were exempt from forced loans, Santa Anna evaded the agreement by taking money without going through the ceremony of promising to repay it.

5. 80Lombardini to Mexico ayunt., Aug. 13, 1847. 75Meeting of govs., Nov., 1847. Diario, July 1, 1847. Ramírez, México, 260. 90Jalapa ayunt., Apr. 10, 1847. 94Canalizo to Orizaba ayunt., Apr. 4, 1847. 82Comte. milit., S. Martín, to Puebla sec. state, Mar. 31, 1847. 312Anaya to S. Anna, Apr. 9, 1847: 76Many memoranda, orders, etc. There was waste, of course, as well as injustice and peculation. This was brought out at the meeting of governors.

6. Ho. 6; 29, 1 (Walker, report, Dec. 3, 1845). Sen. 2; 29, 2 Id., report, Dec. 9, 1846). Ho. 9; 29, 1 Id., estimates, Dec. 4, 1845). Ho. 51; 29, 1 (war dept. contracts). Ho. 56; 29, 1 (Marcy, report, Jan. 9, 1846). Ho. 81; 29, 1.

7. Bankers' Mag., ii, 202-4. [1]N. Y. Herald (weekly), May 16, 23; June 6; July 3; Aug. 8, 15, 29, 1846. London Times, July 15, 1846. 198Gallatin to Everett, Dec. 16, 1847. 354Welles papers (Hist. of 29 Cong., 2 sess.). Nat. Intelligencer, Nov. 28, 1846.

  1. All the citations of the Herald in the notes on this chapter refer to the financial articles.