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tracts from American speeches and newspapers (N. Y. Herald, Feb. 5, 1848: Gen. Pierce). Whig Journals assured Mexico that her cause was just; that a majority of the Americans detested the war; that our treasury could not bear the cost; that our government was incompetent; that it was disloyal to our commanders; that our armies could not win the war; that soon the administration would be rebuked and its policy be reversed. The government "stand ready to yield anything that Mexico may demand as the price of peace, asserted the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer (Wash. Union, July 10, 1847). For numerous other quotations see Cong. Globe, 30, 1, app., 347. April 27, 1847, El Progreso of Querétaro said: The peace party in the United States have been encouraging us to sustain ourselves until we could obtain from them a satisfactory arrangement of our difficulties as soon as they should come into power" (Wash. Union, May 28, 1848).

22. 256Marcy to Wetmore, Jan. 21; Dec. 5, 12, 1846. Welles papers (Review of Pol. Hist. of U. S.; 2d sess. of 29 Cong.). 253Mower to McLean, Aug. 27, 1846. 345Blair to Van Buren, Jan. 20; Nov. 27, 1846. 345Gilpin to Van Buren, May 24, 1846. 345Thompson to Van Buren, Dec. 23, 1846. 345M. Van B., Jr., to Van Buren [Apr. 28, 1846]. Polk, Diary, July 13; Sept. 11, 1846; Jan. 5, 1847. 108Appleton to Bancroft, Feb. 24, 1847. 108Wescott to Bancroft, Mar. 1, 1848. 253Reed to McLean, Oct. 26, 1846. 206J. Graham to Gov. G., Jan. 10, 1847. Courrier des Etats Unis, Oct. 17, 1846. 379Ewing to, Mar. 11, 1846. Wash. Union, Nov. 19, 1846. Niles, May 16, 1846, p. 175. 234A. Johnson to July 22, 1846, private. N.Y. Journ. of Comm., Dec. 9, 1846. N. Y. Herald, Nov. 14, 1846. Bragg to Van Buren, Mar. 10, 1847. Seward, Seward at Washington, i, 37, 68, 71. "Old Hunkers" and "Barnburners" (the Van Buren wing) were the two N. Y. factions.

23. Welles papers: note 22. 253M. Brown to McLean, June 5, 1846. Bragg: note 22. 345Gilpin to Van Buren, May 24, 1846; Apr. 6, 1847. Seward, Seward at Washington, i, 37, 51. Nat. Intellig., Jan. 6, 1847. Picayune, Feb. 26, 1848. N. Y. Journ. Comm., Jan. 7, 1847. Public Ledger, Feb. 12, 1847. N. Y. Tribune, Jan. 12, 1847. Polk, Diary, Nov. 7, 1845; Jan. 28; Mar. 22, 23, 1846; Jan. 14, 1847. 345Blair to Van Buren, Nov. 27, 1846. Boston Atlas, Jan. 9, 1847. 345Welles to Van Buren, July 28, 1846. 256Marcy to Wetmore, Apr. 23, 1848. (Aspirants) 231Jackson to Blair, Dec. 14, 1844.

24. The author's remarks on Benton, Calhoun and Cass are based on sources too numerous to be specified, and will not, it is believed, raise any question. The principal out-of-the-way sources are the following: Welles papers: note 22. 137aCalhoun to Mathews, Sept. 19, 1847. 210Hammond-Simms corresp., Mar. — Nov., 1847. 253M. Brown to McLean, June 5, 1846. 345Blair to Van Buren, Jan. 20, 1846. 345Poinsett to Van Buren, June 4, 1847. 345Gilpin to Van Buren, Nov. 23, 1845. London Times, Apr. 17, 1847. 206J. Graham to brother, Jan. 10, 1847. Polk, Diary, May 21; June 22, 29, 30, 1846; Jan. 9, 14, 15, 22; Feb. 8, 13; Apr. 7, 16, 1847. 108Appleton to Bancroft, Feb. 24, 1847. Calhoun Corresp., 707 (to T. G. C.). 132King to Buchanan, Oct. 5, 1847. Calhoun, Works, iv, 371. Boston Atlas, June 1, 1846. Boston Courier, Feb. 23, 1847. Penna. Mag., xi, 462 (Dallas, Dec. 16). 168D. H. Lewis, May 11, 1848. Wash. Union, Feb. 13, 18; Mar. 15, 17; Apr. 5, 1847. N. Y. Journ. Comm., Feb. 15, 1847. Public Ledger, Feb. 12, 16, 1847. 210Tucker to Hammond, Apr. 24, 1847.