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26. The principal speeches have been cited elsewhere. They are to be found, of course, in the Congressional Globe under the proper headings, and less fully in Benton's Abridged Debates. Public Ledger, Feb. 25, 1847. 191F airfield to wife, Apr. 14, 1846.

27. See particularly the debate on the $3,000,000 bill and the Ten Regiment bill, and, in the House, the Loan bill. Wash. Union, May 18, 1846.

28. Polk, Diary, Dec. 19, 1846. Benton, View, ii, 678. House proceedings in Cong. Globe, 29, 2, Dec. 8-16. Richardson, Messages, iv, 906-7, 594-600. U.S. vs. Rice: 4 Wheaton, 246, 253. Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, § 1318. Butler, Treaty-making Power, i, 128, 168-9. (Decision, Castine, Harrison) Wash. Union, Dec. 11, 15, 26, 1846; Dec. 12, 1847. Kent, Commentaries, i, 282. Cong. Globe, 29, 2, app., 130, col. 1. Von Holst, U. S., ii, 261, note 1, 386. (Kearny a Whig) Richmond Whig in Nat. Intellig., Oct. 19, 1846. (Unhappy) Amer. Review, Feb., 1848, p. 110. Public Ledger, Feb. 8, 1847.

The National Intelligencer had the hardihood to state (Dec. 25, 1846): "It is the opinion of the President that the fact of conquest annexes foreign provinces to the United States." The Texans complained because the part of New Mexico claimed by them was occupied by Kearny; but since the enemy had held it by military force this action was proper, ind Buchanan assured Henderson that the temporary military occupation would not affect the rights of his state (Buchanan, Works, vii, 215). The author did not find Harrison's proclamation in Ms.; but Mr. D. M. Matteson discovered it in Niles, Nov. 27, 1813, p. 215. Copies of official documents in the Burton Historical Collection, kindly furnished to the author, throw further light on the fact that American sovereignty over a portion of Canada was declared in 1813. The subject is certainly an interesting one.

29. The Whigs wished to repeal all of the new fiscal policy. Welles papers: note 22. Wash. Union, Mar. 9, 1847. Lyell, Second Visit(N. Y., 1849), 256. Public Ledger, Dec. 8, 1846. (Nat. Intellig.) Charleston Mercury, Jan. 12, 26, 1847. Pierce, Sumner, 11, 122. Niles, Jan. 2, 1847, p. 288. Boston Atlas, Jan. 6; Feb. 6, 1847. (Webster) Niles, Jan. 9, 1847, p. 803. N. Y. Journ. of Comm., Jan. 4, 1847. N. Y. Tribune, Feb. 14, 1847. No. American, Dec. 24, 1846; Jan. 4, 1847. Polk, Diary, Jan. 22, 1847. Nat. Intellig., Jan. 14, 1847 (if the government desires the coöperation of the Whigs, let it repeal the tariff and sub-treasury Acts). Note also the treatment of the important public land question (vol. ii, p. 261).

30. Cong. Globe, 29, 1, pp. 1211-21. Greeley, Amer. Conflict, i, 189. Smith, Annex. of Tex., 314, 351-2. Welles papers. McLaughlin, Cass, 229. Cole, Whig Party, 119, 122-4. Polk, Diary, Dec. 19, 23, 1846; Jan. 4, 16, 22, 23, 1847. Benton, View, ii, 695. Wilson, Rise and Fall, ii, 15, 16. 13Pakenham, no. 5, 1847. 108Polk to Bancroft, Jan. 30, 1847, private. Meigs, Benton, 371. Amer. Hist. Assoc. Report, 1911, i, 18795 (C. E. Persinger). Cong. Globe, 29, 2, pp. 453-5, 541-55. Von Holst, U.S., iii, 301, 306-7. Calhoun, Works, iv, 323. 137Fisher to Calhoun, Aug. 22, 1847. Stephens, U. S., 391. Cutts, Questions, 154. Garrison, Extension, 254-68. Boston Atlas, Jan. 4, 1847. Blaine, Twenty Years, 1,73. So. Qtrly. Review, Jan., 1851, p. 196. Wash. Union, July 3; Aug. 12, 1846; Jan. 16, 1847. N. Y. Herald, Jan. 16; Feb. 20, 1847. Merriam, Bowles, 1, 48. 139Gentry to Campbell, Apr. 18, 1848.