without it no treaty with Mexico could be ratified). How much merit these arguments possessed, it is unnecessary to point out; but no doubt there was more or less honest belief in them, especially among the rank and file. The people in general, however, were against giving up all the fruits of our victories, and even Calhoun admitted that we could not get out of the war with credit unless we made a large gain in territory.
32. 256Marcy to Wetmore, Dec. 5, 12, 1846. 108Appleton to Bancroft, Feb. 24, 1847. 108Polk to Bancroft, Jan. 30, 1847, private. Welles papers. Public Ledger, Mar. 2, 1847. Boston Atlas, Jan. 18, 21; Feb. 8; Mar. 3, 1847. Polk, Diary, Jan. 19, 1847. Nat. Intellig., Aug. 11, 1846; July 22, 1847. N.Y. Journ. Comm., Jan. 7, 1847. N.Y. Express, Sept. 4, 1847. N. Y. Tribune, Jan. 8, 1847; Jan. 27, 1848. Balt. American in Wash. Union, Sept. 8, 1847. No. American, Dec. 30, 1846; Oct. 6, 1847. Slidell to Buchanan, Nov. 5, 1846: "The fate of the administration depends on the successful conduct of the war"? (Curtis, Buchanan, 1, 601).
33. (Elected) Smith, Annex. of Texas, 307-9. . 169Burnley to Crittenden, Dec. 12, 1847. 132R. Taylor to Buchanan, Nov. 18, 1847, private. Seward, Seward at Washington, i, 57-8. Schurz, Clay, 1, 290-2. Wash. Union, Nov. 16-18, 24 (Clay's speech in full, which Colton does not give complete), 27, 29; Dec. 1, 1847. N. Y. Sun, Nov. 16, 1847. N. Y. Herald, Nov. 17, 1847. Cincinn. Enquirer, Nov. 15, 1847. (Abhorrent) Amer. Review, Feb., 1818, 110. Lexington Observer, Nov. 17, 1847. Clay, Works (Colton, ed.), iii, 60-7. No. American, Dec. 4, 1847. Cole, Whig Party, 120. Shackford, Citizen's Appeal, 18. Hill, Lawrence, 76. (In Mexico) 256J. Parrott to Marcy, Dec. 27, 1847, private. Webster, Writings, xiii, 328.
34. 169Rives to Crittenden, Feb. 8, 1847. 13Pakenham, no. 132, 1846. Cong. Globe, 29, 2, app., 211-8 (Corwin), 282-9 (Severance). Corwin to Follett, Feb. 4, 1847: Ohio Phil. and Hist. Soc. Pubs., July-Sept., 1914. N. Y. Tribune, Jan. 25, 1847. No. American, May 27, 1847. Sumner, Orations, 1, 143, 187. Pierce, Sumner, iii, 138, 140. 253Dowling to McLean, Dec. 7, 1847.
35. Semmes, Service, 69. 253Mower to McLean, Nov. 22; Dec. 13, 1847. 345Niles to Van Buren, Jan. 20, 1848. 137Rhett to Calhoun, May 20, 1847. 169Prunt to Crittenden, Dec. 5, 1847. London Times, Feb. 15, 1848. 13Crampton, no. 42, 1847. Calhoun Corresp., 727-8 (to D. G.), 737-9 (to W. T.). Sherman Letters, 38. Welles papers. 108Polk to Bancroft, Jan. 30, 1847, private. Nat. Intellig., Aug. 17; Dec. 27, 1847; Jan. 10, 1848. Public Ledger, Dec. 25, 1847; Jan. 31; Feb. 11, 1848. Bourne, Essays, 227. Cong. Globe, 30, 1, pp. 93 (withdrawal), 94 (vote), 95 (unconstitutional), 391-2 (Schenck), 396 (Henley), 495, 530 (Webster), 566 (Hilliard). Amer. Review, vi, 331, 342. Von Holst, U. S., iii, 289, 337. Amer. Hist. Assoc. Report, 1911, ii, 83 (Lamar). N. Y. Journ. Comm., Jan. 27, 1848. Cincinn. Atlas in Wash. Union, Aug. 25, 1847. Ohio State Journal: ibid., Aug. 30. Wash. Union, Nov. 4; Dec. 16, 1847. 335Dimond to Trist, Oct. 27, 1847. 335Buchanan to Trist, Oct. 7, 24, 1847, private. N. Y. Tribune, Nov. 5, 1847. N. Y. Herald, Dec. 4, 1847. 198G. Davis to Gallatin, Mar. 6, 1848. 345Law to Van Buren, Aug. 2, 1847.
Public sentiment was well voiced by the governor of Virginia in a 42Message to the Assembly, Dec. 6, 1847 (exec. letter book, no. 73, p. 325): "Shall the insolent Mexican go unpunished? Shall the glories of Palo Alto, Resaca de La Palma, Monterey, etc., pass away in a dream, leaving