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30. 108Bancroft to Polk, Jan. 19, 1847. 52Martin, nos. 34, Aug. 31, 1846; 13, May 15, 1847. Dix, Speeches, i, 207. Revue des Deux Mondes, Aug. 1, 1847, 429-31. Washington Union, Oct. 6, 1846 (Paris letter, Sept. 17). (L'Epoque) Niles, July 25, 1846, p. 336. 52King, no. 29, June 30, 1846. Courrier des Etats Unis, July 20, 1846 (résumé of the French press). 77Mangino, Jan. 29, 1846, res.

31. 297McLane to Polk (received June 21, 1846). 52Id., nos. 50, May 29; 54, 55, June 3, 18, 1846. 132Bancroft, May 18, 1847. Journal des Débats, Sept. 19; Dec. 21, 1846. 13Palmerston, memo. of reply to Bankhead's no. 46, Apr. 30, 1847; to Mora, May 31, 1847. London Times, Sept. 16, 1846. 335McLane, May 29, 1846. 108Bancroft to Polk, May 14; June 3, 1847; to Greene, Nov. 3, 1847. Howe, Bancroft, ii, 18, 28. (Anderson) Lawton, Artillery Officer, 232. 52Bancroft, no. 25, May 3, 1847. 52King, nos. 28, 29, 31, June 1, 30; July 20, 1846.

J. F. Ramírez, who saw numerous letters from Europe, concluded by April 3, 1847, that Mexico would receive no aid from that direction (Ramírez, México, 224-5).

32. (Credit) 297McLane to Polk (received June 21, 1846). (Ranelagh) 76Murphy, Oct. 1, 1845; Mora, Papeles Ineditos, 97. (Paredes) Buchanan, Works, vii, 411-3; Ho. 60; 30, 1, pp. 787, 789, 791, 796, 798; 47Perry to senior British naval officer at V. Cruz, Aug. 18, 1847, and reply, Aug. 21. Britannia, Oct. 17, 1846; Jan. 3, 23; June 5, 1847.

33. There are three reasons for presenting the newspaper quotations of this chapter: 1, They form a part of the history; 2, many indicate that the American task was not considered an easy one; and 3, many show how the Mexicans were encouraged by the European press. This encouragement stood constantly in the way of our making peace. It is well to remember that gibes, quite as offensive, against England could be found in American journals of that period.

34. Times, Oct. 30; Nov. 9, 1846; Jan.1; Feb. 18; Mar.15; Apr. 20, 26, 1847. Britannia, Feb. 20, 1847. Examiner, Dec. 22, 1846.

35. Times, May 10, 12, 1847. Amer. Review, Mar., 1848, p. 249.

36. 297Bancroft to Polk, Jan. 28, 1848. Journal des Débats, Nov. 4, 1846; Feb. 22, 1847. Constitutionnel, Dec. 18, 1846. Times, Aug. 31, 1846; Jan. 1; May 10; Sept. 30; Nov. 13; Dec. 2, 1847; Jan. 4, 20, 1848. Chronicle, Mar. 6; June 1; Sept. 30, 1847. Britannia, Oct. 9, 30; Nov. 13, 1847.

Some of the French papers also bore heavily upon the operations of 1846. Le Journal des Débats said they had been a failure; that no foresight, energy or skill had been displayed; that the war had proved costly and was likely to prove endless. Le Constitutionnel thought our resources might not hold out. But the press of France made no such exhibition of conscious weakness and humiliation trying to hide themselves (108Bancroft to Polk, Jan. 28, 1848) as did that of England.

37. 108Bancroft to Polk, Jan. 4,19; May 14; June 3; Nov. 18, 1847; Jan. 28, 1848. 52McLane, no. 50, May 29, 1846. 52Boyd, no. 3, Sept. 18, 1846. 52Bancroft, no. 25, May 3, 1847. Journal des Débats, Jan. 21; June 1-2, 1846; Oct. 5, 1847; Aug. 15, 1848. 132Bancroft, May 18, 1847. 52King, nos. 21, Jan. 1; 29, June 30, 1846. National, June 18, 1846. 13To Thornton, no. 2, Dec. 28, 1847. 13Mora to Palmerston, Apr. 22; May 26; Dec. 15, 1847; June 26, 1848. 13Palmerston to Mora, May 31 (2); Oct. 7, 1847; June 30, 1848. Britannia, Nov. 13, 1847.