Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/538

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Crallé, R. K. 168Papers: Library of Congress.
Crittenden, J. J. 169Papers: Library of Congress.
Crooker Family (of South Carolina). 170Papers: Dr. E. M. Shealy.
Cyane. 171Journal of a Cruise; Abstract of Journal: U. S. Naval Academy Library.
Cyane. 172Log Book: Library, U. S. Navy Dept.
Davis, Jefferson. 173Address: Library of Congress (reading-room desk).
Davis, Jefferson. 174Papers: Confederate Memorial, New Orleans.
Davis, Jefferson. 175Papers: Library of Congress.
Davis, Jefferson. 176Papers: State of Mississippi, Dept. of Hist.
Davis, John W. 177Statement of the Battle of San Pascual: Bancroft Coll.
Davis, T. F. 178Diary: belonging to the family.
Diario 179Esactisimo de lo ocurrido en Mexico, etc.: Bancroft Coll.
Dreer 180Collection: Pennsylvania Hist. Soc.
Donelson, A. J. 181Papers: Mrs. Wm. A. Donelson (now in the Library of Congress).
Dormitzer, Walter. 182Collection.
Drum, R. C. 183Recollections (verbal).
Duke, Moses S. 184Letters: Miss Winnie V. Lynch.
Duncan, James. 185Papers: U. S. Military Academy.
Duncan, W. L. 186Notes on Bishop's Journal: McLean County (Til.) Hist. Soc.
Eddy 187Manuscripts: Charles Carroll, Esq.
Edwards, Marcellus B. 188Diary: Missouri Hist. Soc.
Evans, Mrs. Lucy. 189Letter: belonging to the family.
Ewing, J. C. 190Diary: belonging to the family.
Fairfield, John. 19lPapers: Library of Congress.
Ford 192Collection: New York City Public Library.
Foster, R. C. 193Letters: Mrs. Edward W. Foster.
Fourth (Mexican) Infantry. 194Book of Accounts: New York Hist. Soc.
Fowler, W. P. 195Collection.
Fremont, John C. 196Statement: Library of Harvard Univ.
Gaines, E. P. 197Papers: Library of Congress.
Gallatin, Albert. 198Papers: New York Hist. Soc.
Garcia, Sen. Lie. D. Genaro. 199Collection.
Gibbes, W. II. 200Collection.
Gibson, George R. 201Diary: Missouri Hist. Soc.
Gimenez, M. M. 202Papers: Sen. Lie. D. Genaro Garcia.
Gleason, James. 203Letter.
Gouverneur, S. L. 204Diary: Mrs. Rose Gouverneur Hoes.
Graham, L. P. 205Memorandum Book: E. W. McGlenen, Esq.
Graham, W. A. 206Papers: A. W. Graham, Esq.
Griffin, John S. 207Journal of 1846: Bancroft Coll.
Guadalajara (Public Library) 208Collection.
Guitar, Aldon. 209Letter.
Hammond, J. H. 210Diary and Papers: Library of Congress.
Hardie, James A. 211Papers: Library of Congress.