Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/550

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simply to show that the author did not overlook them. Others were examined that did not seem worth noticing at all here. To have expanded this list into a bibliography would have been foreign to the author’s aim and would have made it intolerably long. For these reasons titles have frequently been shortened. The main use of the list was to make it possible to give very brief titles in the notes. Numerous broadsides examined by the author are not mentioned.

¡A las Armas, Mexicanos! Méx. 1846.
Acta. Mazatlan. 1847.
Acta Celebrada por el Ejército de Reserva. Méx. 1829.
Acta Constitutiva y de Reformas, etc. Atlixco. 1847.
Acta del Pronunciamiento. Méx. 1829.
Adalberto de Cardona, S. Méx. y Sus Capitales. Méx. 1900.
Adams, E. D. British Interests and Activities in Texas. Balto. 1910.
Adams, Henry. Albert Gallatin. Phila. 1879. History of the United States. 9 v. N.Y. 1889-91.
Adams, J. Q. Memoirs. 12 v. Phila. 1874-77.
Addey, Markinfield. "Little Mac." N. Y. 1864. '"tonewall Jackson." N. Y. 1863.
"Adopted Citizen." Texas Question Reviewed. N.Y. 1844.
Aguilar y López.-Breve Impugnaciún, etc. Méx. 1848.
Ah, Traidores Gachupines. Puebla. 1827.
Al Público. Puebla. 1847.
Al Pueblo Méx.: Relación de las Causas, etc. (Aug. 24, 1847). Méx. 1847.
Alamán, Lucas. Defensa. Méx. 1834. Dissert. sobre la Hist. de la Repúb. Mexicana. 3 v. Méx. 1844-49. Hist. de México. 5 v. México. 1883-5. Liquid. General de la Deuda Exterior de la Repúb. Mex. Méx. 1845. Memoria [on Agriculture and the Industries]. Méx. 1844. |style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2em;"| |style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2em;"|
Alcáraz, Ramón, et al. Apuntes para la Hist. de la Guerra entre México y los Estados Unidos. Méx. 1848.
Aldrich, M. A. U.S. Marine Corps. Boston. 1875.
Alexander, E. P. Amer. Civil War. London. 1908.
[Allen, George.] The Complaint of Mexico. Boston. 1848.
Allen, G. N. Mexican Treacheries and Cruelties. Boston and N. Y. 1848.
Allen, H. W. Recollections (S. A. [Ellis] Dorsey, ed.). N.Y. [1866.]
Allen, J.C. Roster of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of the War of 1812, etc. Lincoln, Neb. 1893.
Allen, L. L. Scenes upon the Rio Grande. N.Y. 1848.
Almonte, J. N. Noticia Estad. sobre Tejas. Méx. 1835.
Alocucién dirigida en Chacapa al General de las Fuerzas Amer. Puebla. 1847.
Alvarez, Juan. Manifiesto. Méx. 1845.
Alvarez, V.S. Breve Noticia de Algunos Manuscritos. Méx. 1908.