Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/552

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Bancroft, H. H. Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth. 7 v. S. Francisco. 1891-92. Hist. of the Pacific States, Mexico and Texas. 16 v. S. Francisco. 1883-90. Rescurces and Development of Mexico. S. Francisco. 1893.
Bandini, H. E. Hist. of California. N.Y. [1908.]
Bárcena, J. M. Roa. See Roa Bárcena.
Baril, V. L. Le Mexique. Douai. 1862.
Barker, E. C. (ed.). Johnson's Hist. of Texas and Texans. 5 v. Chicago. 1914.
Barragán, M. Manifesto. Méx. 1830.
"Barrister, A." [Forbes]. Trip to Mexico. London. 1851.
Barrows, William. Oregon. 10 ed. Boston. 1898.
Bartlett, D. V. G. Franklin Pierce. Auburn. 1852.
Bassett, J. S. Andrew Jackson. 2 v. Garden City, N.Y. 1911.
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. 4 v. N. Y. [1887-89.]
Battles of Mexico. N. Y. 1848.
Bayley, R. A. National Loans of the U. S., 1776-1880. Wash. 1881.
Baylies, Francis. Wool's Campaign in Mexico. Albany. 1851.
Baz, Gustavo. Vida de Benito Juárez. Méx. 1864.
Beechey, F. W. Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait. 2. v. London. 1831.
Beltrami, J. C. [G. C.]. Le Mexique. 2 v. Paris. 1830.
Benet, S. V. Ordnance Dept. Reports, etc., ii. Wash. 1880.
{Benham, H. W.] Recollections of Mexico and the Battle of Buena Vista. Boston. 1871.
Bennett, F. M. The Steam Navy of the U.S. Pittsburgh. 1896. The Monitor and the Navy under Steam. Boston. 1900.
Bennett, J. G. See "Journalist."
Benton, J. G. Ordnance and Gunnery. 2 ed. N. Y. 1862.
Benton, T. H. Thirty Years View. 2 v. N. Y. 1854, 1856.
Benton, T. H. (ed.). Abridgement of the Debates of Congress. 16 v. N. Y. 1857-60.
Béristain y Souza, J. M. Biblioteca Hispano — Amer. Setent. 2 ed. Amecameca. 1883.
Berlandier (L.) y Chovel (R.). Diario de Viage de la Comisión de Límites. Méx. 1850.
Berry, Philip. Review of the Mex. War. Columbia, S.C. 1849.
Berthet, A. Quatre Ans au Mexique. Paris. 1885.
Bertie-Marriott, Clément. Un Parisien au Mexique. Paris. 1886.
Bigelow, John. J. C. Frémont. N. Y. 1856. Samuel J. Tilden. 2 v. N. Y. 1895.
[Billings, Mrs. Eliza (Allen).] Female Volunteer. [1851.]
Biografía de Alamán. Méx.
Biog. del Gen. Santa-Anna. Méx. 1847.
Biog. del Gen. Santa-Anna. Méx. 1857.
Biog. del Gral. Santa Anna. Méx. 1849.
Birkhimer, W. E. Hist. Sketch of . . . the Artillery, U. S. Army. Wash. 1884.