Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/561

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Garrison, G. P. Texas. Boston. 1903. Westward Extension. N. Y. 1906.
Garrison, G. P. (ed.). Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Texas. 2 v. in three. Wash. 1908, 1911.
Garrison, W. P. and F. J. Wm. Loyd Garrison. 4 v. N. Y. 1885.
Gaxiola, J. X. La Invasión Norte-Am. en Sinaloa, etc. 2 ed. Méx. 1891.
General (El) de Brigada . . . á sus Habitantes. Oaxaca. 1847.
General Staff, German Army. See Donat.
General Taylor and his Staff. Phila. 1848.
General Taylor and the Mexican War. N. Y. [1847.]
General Taylor's Life, Battles and Despatches. Phila. 1847.
Giddings, J. R. Speeches. Boston. 1853.
[Giddings, Luther.] Sketches of the Campaign in Northern Mexico by an Officer of the First Ohio Volunteers. N. Y. 1853.
Gilbert, F. T. Hist. of Butte County, Calif. I. S. Francisco. 1882.
Gilliam, A. M. Travels in Mexico. Aberdeen. 1847.
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Gobernador (El) al Hon. Congreso. Ures. 1847.
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Gómez Farías, Valentín. [Address to the People} Méx. 1847. Proclama. Méx. 1847.
Gómez, M. Z. Hist. del Gen. Rangel. Méx.
Gonzaga Cuevas, Luis. See Cuevas.
González, A. R. Hist. de Aguascalientes. Méx. 1881.
González Obregón, Luis. Méx. Viejo. Méx. 1900.
Goodhue, B. G. Mexican Memories. N. Y. 1892.
Goodrich, F. E. Gen. W. S. Hancock. Boston. 1886.
Gordon, A. H. The Earl of Aberdeen. London. 1893.
Gorostiza, M. E. de., Correspondencia . . . entre la Legacién Extraord. de Méx. y . . . los Estados Unidos. Méx. 1837. Dictamen Leido el 3 junio de 1840, etc. Méx. 1844.
Grant, U.S. Personal Memoirs. 2 v. N. Y. 1885.
Greeley, Horace. American Conflict. 2 v. Hartford. 1864. Recollections. N. Y. 1868.
Green, Duff. Facts and Suggestions. N. Y. 1866.
Green, G. W. Repudiation. N. Y. 1883.
Green, T. J. Journal of the Texian Expedition against Mier. N. Y. 1845.
Greene, F. V. Army Life in Russia. N.Y. 1880. The Russian Army in its Campaigns against Turkey in 1877-78. N. Y. 1879.
Greenhow, Robert. Hist. of Oregon and California. Boston. 1844.
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Griepenkerl, O. F. W. T. Letters on Applied Tactics (Barth, tr.). 3 ed. 1913.
Griffis, W. E. M.C. Perry. Boston. 1887.
Grindall, J. J. Battle of Buena Vista. Balto. 1882.