Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/575

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Sargent, Nathan. Public Men and Events. 2 v. Phila. 1875.
Sato, Shosuke. The Land Question in the U. S. Balto. 1886.
Savage, J. H. Life of J. H. Savage. Nashville. 1903.
Savidge, E. C. B. H. Brewster. Phila. 1891.
Schafer, Joseph. Pacific Slope and Alaska. Phila. [1904.]
Scharf, J. T. Hist. of St. Louis City and County. 2 v. Phila. 1883.
Schoonover, T. J. John A. Sutter. Sacramento. 1907.
Schouler, James. Historical Briefs. N. Y. 1896. Hist. of the U. S. 7 v. N. Y. [1894-1913.]
Schuckers, J. W. S. P. Chase. N. Y. 1874.
Schurz, Carl. Henry Clay. 2 v. Boston. [1899.]
Scott, H. L. Military Dictionary. N. Y. 1861.
Scott, W. A. Repudiation of State Debts. N. Y. [1893.|style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2em;"|
Scott, Winfield. Infantry Tactics. 3 v. N. Y. 1861. Memoirs. 2 v. N. Y. 1864.
Scribner, B. F.] Camp Life. Phila. 1847. Campaign in Mexico. Phila. 1850.
Sedgwick, John. Correspondence. 2v. [N. Y.?] 1902, 1903.
Sedgwick, Theodore. Thoughts. N. Y. 1844.
Segunda Protesta del Ven. Cabildo Metrop., etc. Méx. 1847.
Semmes, R. S. Campaign of Gen. Scott in the Valley of Mexico. [Part of Service Afloat.] Cincin. 1852. Service Afloat and Ashore. Cincin. 1851.
"Senex." See McPherson.
Séptimo Desengaño. Méx. 1847.
Seward, F. W. Seward at Washington. 2 v. N. Y. 1891.
Seward, W. H. Autobiography (with memoir by F. W. Seward). N. Y. 1877. Works (Baker, ed.). 5 v. N. Y. 1853-84.
Shackford, C. C. A Citizen's Appeal. Boston. 1848.
Shambaugh, B. F. [ed.]. Messages and Procls. of Governors of Iowa. I. Iowa City. 1903.
Shepard, E. M. Martin Van Buren. Boston. [1899.]
Shepherd, W. R. Guide to the Materials for the Hist. of the U. S. in Spanish Archives. Wash. 1907.
Sherman, E. A. Address (Aniv. Celeb., Los Angeles, Cal., July 5, 1886). John D. Sloat (enlarged monumental ed.). Oakland, Calif. 1902.
Sherman, John. Recollections. 2 v. Chicago, etc. 1895.
Sherman, W. T. Home Letters (Howe, ed.). N. Y. 1909. Memoirs. 2 v. N. Y. 1875.
Sherman, W. T. and John. Letters (Thorndike, ed.). N. Y. 1894.
Si los Ignorantes leen, no bailarn en Betlén. Méx. 1842.
Siempre la Feder. Arruinará á la Nación. Puebla. 1834.
Sierra, Justo. Mexico: Its Social Evolution. 2 v. in three. Mex. 1900-04.
Simples Observ. por un Ofic. del Ejérc. Norte-Amer. [Puebla. 1847.]
Simpson, George. Journey Round the World. 2 v. London. 1847.