Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/577

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Sumner, W. G. American Currency. N. Y. 1874. Andrew Jackson. Boston. [1899.]
Sumpter, Arthur. Lives of Taylor and Scott, etc. N. Y. 1848.
Swasey, W. F. Early Days and Men of California. Oakland, Cal. 1849. Taylor and His Battles. N. Y. 1847.
Taussig, F. W. Tariff Hist. of the U. S. 5 ed. N. Y. [1910.]
Taylor and his Generals. Phila. 1847.
Taylor, F. W. The Broad Pennant. N. Y. 1848.
Taylor, Z. Letter to Gaines, Nov., 1846 (Pamphlet, 1847; also Picayune, Feb. 2, 1847). Letters (Bixby, coll.). Rochester. 1908.
Téllez, R. Manifiesto, etc. Mazatlán. 1847.
Temple, W. G. Memoir of the Landing at Vera Cruz (in Conner, Home Squadron).
Tercera Protesta del Vener. Cabildo Metrop. Méx. 1847.
Terribles Cargos contra el Ministro Poinsett. Méx.
Texas Diplomatic Corresp. See Garrison.
Texas Library and Hist. Commission. First and Second Biennial Reports.
Thomas, T. E. Covenant Breaking, and its Consequences. Rossville, [O.] 1847.
Thompson, C. M. Illinois Whigs. (Urbana. 1915.]
Thompson, R. W. Recollections of Sixteen Presidents. 2 v. Indianapolis. 1894.
Thompson, Waddy. Recollections. N. Y. 1846.
Thorpe, T. B. {See also "Owen, Tom."] Our Army at Monterey. Phila. 1847. Our Army on the Rio Grande. Phila. 1846.
Thümmel, A.N. Mexiko und die Mexikaner. Erlangen. 1848. Neueste Geschichte der Repub. Mex. Erlangen. 1848.
Tilden, B. P., Jr. Notes on Upper Rio Grande. Phila. 1847.
Todd, C. B. Col. A. Burr. N. Y. 1879.
[Tomes, Robert.] Battles of America. N. Y. [1875?]
Tornel y Mendivil, J. M. Breve Reseña Hist. Méx. 1852. [1853.] Discurso. Méx. 1842. Manifestación. Méx. 1833. Tejas y los Estados Unidos. Méx. 1837.
Torres Campos, Rafael. España en California y en el Noroeste de América. Madrid. 1892.
Tratado de Paz, ete. Méx. 1848.
Tributo á la Verdad (attributed to Gen. Juan Morales). Vera Cruz. 1847.
Tudor, Henry. Tour in N. Amer., etc. 2 v. London. 1834.
Turnley, P. T. Reminiscences. Chicago.
Tuthill, Franklin. Hist. of California. S. Francisco. 1866.
Twitchell, R. E. Military Occupation of New Mex. Denver. 1909.
Tyler, Daniel. Concise Hist. of the Mormon Battalion, etc. [Salt Lake City.] 1881.
Tyler, L. G. Letters and Times of the Tylers. 3 v. Richmond. 1884-96.
Ultimas Comunicaciones entre el Gob. Mex. y el Envi. Estraor. y Min. Plenip. de los EE. UU. Méx. 1846.