Von Holst, H. See Holst. |
Wagner, A. L. Elements of Military Science. Kansas City. 1898. Strategy. Kansas City. [1904.] |
Walker, F. A. Gen. Hancock. N. Y. 1894. |
Wallace, Isabel. Gen. W. H. L. Wallace. Chicago. 1909. |
Wallace, Joseph. E. D. Baker. Springfield, Ill. 1870. |
Wallace, Lewis. Autobiography. 2 v. N. Y. 1906. |
Walpole, Frederick. Four Years in the Pacific. 2 v. London. 1849. |
War (The) and its Warriors. Phila. 1848. |
War between the U.S. and Mexico. Phila. 1847. |
War Dept., War College. Monograph on Mex. 1914. |
Ward, H. G. Mexico in 1827. 2 v. London. 1828. |
Watson, W. M. In Memoriam B. O. Tayloe. Wash. 1872. |
"Webfoot." See Phelps. |
Webster, Daniel. Letters (Van Tyne, ed.). N. Y. 1902. Seventy-second Anniversary of his Birthday. 1854. Writings and Speeches. 18 v. Boston. 1903. |style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2em;"| |
Webster, Fletcher [ed.]. Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. 2 v. Boston. 1857. |
Weed, Thurlow. Autobiography (Weed, ed.). Boston. 1884. [1883.] |
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Welter, Everhard. Forty-two Years. Washington. 1888. |
Wentworth, John. Congressional Reminiscences. Chicago. 1882. |
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Wharton, Francis [ed.]. Digest of the Internat. Law of the U. S. 3 v. Wash. 1886. |
Wheaton, Henry. Digest of U. S. Supreme Court Decisions. N. Y. 1821. |
Wheeler, H. G. History of Congress. 2v. N.Y. 1848. |
Wilcox, C. M. Mexican War. Wash. 1892. |
Wilhelm, Thomas. Hist. Eighth U. S. Inf. 2 ed. 2 v. 1873. |
Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of U. S. Exploring Exped. New ed. 5 v. N. Y. 1851. Western America. Phila. 1849. |
Wilkinson, (H.]S. War and Policy. London. 1900. |
Willey, S. H. Thirty Years in Calif. S. Francisco. 1879. Transition Period of Calif. S. Francisco. 1901. |
Williams, A. M. Sam Houston. Boston. 1893. |
Wilson, Henry. Rise and Fall of the Slave Power. 3 v. Boston. 1872-77. |
Wilson, J. G. Gen. Grant. N. Y. 1897. |
Wilson, R. A. Mex. and its Religion. N. Y. 1855. Conquest of Mex. Phila. 1859. |
Winsor, Justin (ed.). Narr. and Crit. Hist. of Amer. 8 v. Boston. [1884]-89. |
Winthrop, R. C. Addresses and Speeches. 4. v. Boston. 1852-86. |
Winthrop, R. C., Jr. R. C. Winthrop. Boston. 1897. |
Wise, H. Alex. Seven Decades of the Union. Phila. 1872. |
Wise, [H. Aug.]. Los Gringos. London. 1849. |