Aristocracy, conditions, aspect, 1. 5. 23-7; fears American influence, 103, See also Oligarchy. |
Arkansas troops, and Santa Anna's advance, 1. 383, 554; at Buena Vista, 386, 555, 558; in Wool's march, 509; call (1847), 2. 365; in Taylor's later force, 417. |
Arlégui, J. M. de, and Doniphan's expedition, 1. 521. |
Armijo, Manuel, control of New Mexico, character, 1. 285, 2. 216; and advance of Kearny's expedition, 1. 289, 292-3, 516; wavering and flight, 294-5, 516-7. |
Armistice, Taylor's, at Monterey, 1. 259, 501-6; terminated, 263-4; after Churubusco, 2. 133; Santa Anna's activity and position, 134; peace negotiations during, 135-8, 396-400; question of extension, 136, 398; Santa Anna violates, 137; terminated, 138, 399; results, 138; terms, 394; wisdom, 394; clashes during, 396; opposing views on, 399; question and renewed peace negotiations, 240, 242; after signing of peace treaty, terms, 242, 471. |
Arms, Mexican, 1. 156-7, 462; of American army, 450. |
Army, American, character of official reports, 1. ix, 404; belittled by foreigners, 105; condition, arms (1845), 139, 450-1; war acts on regulars, 190, 191, 474; attitude of regulars, 208, 481; size before call for Vera Cruz expedition, 537; regular force during war, recruiting, 537; Ten Regiment Bill and amendment, 2. 74-6, 363; question of lieutenant generalcy and major general cy commanding for Benton, 75, 365; character of new officers under Ten Regiment Bill, 76; statistical facts, 318, 511, 512; regulars and volunteers contrasted, 319-20, 512-3; character of special arms, 320, 513; general character and achievement, 321; Voltigeurs, 363; bounty, 364; authorized regular (1847), 431; supposed size (Nov. 1847), 432. See also Morale; Mounted Riflemen; Voltigeurs; Volunteers; and officers and campaigns by name, regular regiments by number, and volunteers by name of state. |
Army, Mexican, position and character of officers, 1. 8-10, 408; of rank and file, 10; cavalry and artillery, 11; and Iturbide, 35; power, 36; supports Guerrero, 41; and Bustamante, 43; backs Santa Anna (1832), 45; Farias' attempted reforms, 45; makes Santa Anna dictator, 46; and Seven Laws, 47; and financial crisis, 48; revolts against Santa Anna, 53; and Herrera, 55; foreign opinion, 106, 440; Mexican opinion, 106; organization and condition (1845), 156-7, 461-2; size then, 157; and Paredes, 214; fragmentary character, 494; condition and command after elimination of Santa Anna (1847), 2. 182, 429-30; as fighters, 311; and civil discouragement, 509. See also commanders and campaigns by name, especially Ampudia; Arista; Santa Anna. |
Army of the East, Mexican, 2. 88, 369. |
Army of the North, Mexican, 2. 88, 369. See also Valencia. |
Army of the South, Mexican, 2. 88. See also Alvarez. |
Arrangóiz, J., Mexican consul at New Orleans, on hope in privateering, 1. 109. |
Arriero, 1. 18. |
Arroyo, Miguel, and douceur fund, 2. 391. |
Arroyo Colorado, Mejia's ruse at crossing, 1. 147. |
Art of war, 1. 405. |
Arteaga, M., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347, 352. |
Artillery, Mexican, 1. 11, 156, 461-2; in Monterey campaign, 1. 228; field, of American army at outbreak of war, 450; in Scott's army. 2. 77, 365; character of American, 320. See also regiments by number. |
Artillery Battalion, in Monterey campaign, 1. 241, 242, 244, 492, 496, 501, 508; at Resaca de la Palma, 467. See also Childs. |
Ashburnham, Charles, British charge at Mexico, on Mexican relations, 1. 74; on Mexican obduracy, 134. |
Ashburton, Baron, and California, 1. 524; and control of Mexico, 2. 309. |
Ashmun, George, and advance to Rio Grande, 1. 456. |
Assessments, American, on Mexicans, 2. 264-6, 485-8. |