Buena Vista, later force at, 2. 417, 418; mutiny, 418. See also next title. |
Buena Vista campaign, Taylor's insubordinate advance to Agua Nueva, 1. 368, 373-4, 547-8; carelessness and capture of Wool's scouting parties, 3701; lessened morale of Wool's force, 371; Taylor's unstrategic position and carelessness, 374, 549, 550; assembling of Santa Anna's army, 374-9, 550; plan to attack Taylor's weak and isolated force, 379, 543, 552; Mexican advance for surprise, 380-8, 553, 554; map of route between Mexico and Agua Nueva, 381; Mexican force, 381, 552; flight of Americans to Buena Vista, 382-3, 554; map of roads between Monterey and El Encarnacion, 382; Taylor's trips to Saltillo, 383, 388, 555, 556; pursuit of Americans, 384, 555; Santa Anna's failure to charge, 384; his play for time, 385, 555; field, 385; American position and force, 386, 548, 555; flank movement on American left, 386, 388; map of field, 387; condition of troops during night, 388; second day: mass in Mexican army, 388; continuation of flanking, 389, 390; repulse of Blanco's frontal charge, 389; Pacheco's advance on American left, 389-91, 557, 558; repulse of flanking force, 391; repulse of Pacheco, 391; rout of flanking force, ruse to save it, 392-3, 558; criticism of Santa Anna's tactics, 393, 558; Hardin's charge and repulse, 393, 559; repulse of Perez's charge on centre, 394-5; Minon's repulse at Saltillo, 395, 555, 556, 559; factors in American success, Taylor, 395-6, 559; Mexican valor, 396; losses and condition of American army, 396, 561; Taylor's determination to hold ground, 397, 561; condition of the Mexican army, 397; Santa Anna's retirement to preserve organization, 397-8, 562; parley, 398, 562; horrors of Mexican retreat, 399; Santa Anna credited with victory, 399; Taylor's tardy advance, 399; forays in his rear, 399, 562; alarm in United States, reaction, 400; Mexican batteries, 556; question of Taylor's order to retreat, 558; foreign comment, 2. 307. |
Bullion, export forbidden, 2. 487. |
Burke, Edmund, on arbitrary government, 1. 52; on political slavery, 2. 311. |
Burnett, E. C., acknowledgment to, 1. 419. |
Burnett, W. B., wounded at Churubusco, 2. 117. |
Burns, | , paymaster, and Leonidas letter, 2. 435, 437.
Burr, Aaron, and spirit of expansion, 1. 123, 444. Burrita, expedition, 1. 177, 469; camp, 206. |
Burrough, Marmaduke, American consul at Vera Cruz, reports cited passim. |
Burton, H. S., in Lower California, 2. 448, 449, 476. |
Bustamante, Anastasio, Vice-President, revolt, 1. 43; as President, 43; resigns, reëlevates Pedraza, 45; returns to power, Santa Anna undermines, 47-51; and California, 319; and chief command, 2. 182. |
Butler, Andrew P., position in Senate, 2. 496. |
Butler, Anthony, as minister at Mexico, 1. 62, 419, 420; and Sabine River boundary, 64; and claims, 76, 427, 428; and Scott, 476. |
Butler, B. F., on Polk, 2. 272. |
Butler, P. M., killed, 2. 117. See also Palmetto. |
Butler, W. O., division in march to Monterey, 1. 229, 492, 496; in battle of Monterey, 252-4, 499; command and force at Monterey (Dec. 1846), 283, 357; and command of Vera Cruz expedition, 351; and expected attack, 358; Scott's instructions on troops for Vera Cruz, 362; in command at Saltillo, 370, 549; at Brazos, 476; takes reinforcements to Scott, 2. 184; succeeds Scott, 188, 438; evacuates Mexico City, 252, 476; and Price's Resales expedition, 419; retained in service, 432; division garrisoned at Molino del Rey, 461; and peace commission, 464. |
C |
Cabinet, character of Folk's, 2. 269, 282. |
Cadereita, aspect, 1. 357. |
Cadwalader, George, reinforcements for Scott, 2. 77; brigade in Scott's army, 78, 363; at Contreras, 105, 108, 379; at Churubusco, 110; advance after armistice, 142; at Molino del Rey, 144-6, 402, 403; at San Cosme garita, 161, 414; and douceur, 391; and plan of attack on capital, 408; at Chapultepec, 410; occupies Toluca, 433; leaves Mexico, 438. |