Canitz, Baron von, Prussian minister of foreign relations, and the war, 2. 298, 403. |
Canning, George, on national responsibility, 1. 76. |
Cano, Juan, at La Hoya, 2. 42; at Cerro Gordo, 44. |
Cárdenas, J., protest to Taylor, 1. 454. |
Carmelita, captured, 2. 191. |
Carmen Island, occupied, 2. 204. |
Carnero Pass, Taylor and, 1. 549. |
Carpender, E. W., and loss of Truxtun, 2. 445. |
Carrasco, J. M., at Monterey, 1. 252. Carson, Kit, and battle of San Pascual, 1. 535. |
Casa Mata, defences, 2. 140; force, 142; capture, 145, 146, 403; blown up, 404. |
Casey, Silas, at Chapultepec, 2. 153, 156, 410; wounded, 157. |
Cass, Lewis, and Gaines's Texan expedition, 1. 66; and war bill, 183 ; and Oregon, 200; on defensive-line policy, 348; and absorption of Mexico, 2. 243; and Barnburners, 281; character and leadership, 282 ; on annexation of Texas, 509. |
Castillo, Pedro Fernández del, as claims commissioner, 1. 80, 429-31. |
Castillo y Lanzas, J. M. de, minister at Washington, 1. 77; minister of relations, and Slidell, 100, 120, 438, 439; on approach of war, 104. |
Castro, José, leader in California, 1. 319; comandante general, 319 ; and foreign occupation, 328, 329, 526; civil war with Pico, 329; and Frémont, 331, 528; and American occupation, 335-7, 530, 532; leaves, 337, 533; and Bear Flag war, 529 ; returns, 2. 219. |
Caswell, W. R., on Pillow, 1. 361. |
Causes of the war, in general, 1. 5899, 102-16, 134-7, 148-5X), 153-5, 158, 179, 185, 432-3, 439, 442, 448, 457-61, 470-3; special, 189-90, 4713; advance to Rio Grande not cause, 154-5. See also Outbreak ; Preparation. |
Cavalry, Mexican, 1. 11, 19; in Scott's advance on Mexico, 2. 77; call for American volunteer, 365. See also Dragoons. |
Ceballos, Ramón de, on treatment by Americans, 2. 324. |
Cedral, force at, 1. 553. |
Centralists, oligarchy as, 1. 37; party resentment, 38-9; Santa Anna supports, 46-7, 415; rule, 47-8; and Farias (1846), 2. 9. See also Federalism; Oligarchy. |
Cerralvo, as camp, 1. 212, 229, 493; occupied, 229, 562; force at, 2. 417. |
Cerro Gordo, as defensive point, 2. 40, 41; map of contour lines near, 40; selected as point to resist Scott's advance, 42; field, defences, 42-5, 347, 348; general map of battle, 43 ; size and condition of Mexican force, 44-5, 347; Twiggs's force and artillery, 45; Twiggs's character, 48 ; his blunder into, and retreat, 48 ; question of precipitous assault, 489; Scott on field, 49; reconnaissance, 50, 349; Scott's force, 50; advance flanking Mexican left, 50-1, 53, 55, 350-2, 354; map of central part of battle, 51; capture of La Atalaya, 51; attacks on and capture of Télegrafo, 52-5, 350, 352, 354; flight of flanked Mexicans, 54, 58-9 ; Pillow's mismanaged attack, 56-8, 352-3; pursuit to Jalapa, 58, 59, 354; spoils, losses, 58, 353; character of Scott's report, 59, 354; effect on Mexicans, 80. |
Chachapa conference, 2. 70, 360. |
Chalco, Worth at, 2. 94. |
Chamberlain, S. E., on retreat to Buena Vista, 1. 554. |
Chapultepec, and battle of Molino del Rey, 2. 143, 145, 402, 403; and approach of Mexico City, 149; decision to attack, 149, 408; position and defences, 149-52, 405-6, 408; maps, 150, 151; American dispositions and bombardment, 152-3, 409 ; plan for assault, 153; misgivings, 153-4; attack on grove and outworks, 154, 155; problem of Santa Anna's support, 154-5, 410; charge to the fosse, delay, 155-6, 409; attack on gateway, 156, 158, 411; capture of fort, 157, 410, 411; view from, 158; losses, 158,411; Worth's advance, 160, 410; and armistice, 394; Mexican force, 408; wisdom of attack, 408; threat to American rear during attack, 410 |
Character, Mexican, 1. 3-7, 15, 18-28, 53, 57, 115, 229, 266, 285, 293, 295, 315-7, 320, 333, 339, 346, 396, 407-9, 416-8, 438, 455, 2. 1-2, 31, 32, 45, 63, 79-87, 91-2. 132, 136, 170, 228, 230-1, 233-5. 251, 254, 297, 306, 3102, 323, 327, 329, 346, 367, 449, 450, 461, 509. See-also Population; Social condition. |