Conner, P. E., at Buena Vista, 1. 389, 556. |
Conquered territory, policy of occupying territory, 1. 262, 266-7, 508, 2. 273, 492; civil government in New Mexico and California, 1. 337-8, 2. 217, 218, 285, 453; character of naval control, 208; policy toward noncombatants, conciliation, 210-1, 449; outrages by volunteers at Matamoros, 211, 450; and at Monterey, 212-3, 450; liquor and troubles, 212, 213, 224, 457; regulations at Monterey, later security, 213, 450-1; difficulty of convicting Mexican offenders, 213, 451; rule in Saltillo, 213, 452; police regulations, 213, 215, 229, 450, 452; conditions in Tampico, 214, 452; prosperity, 2145, 219; effect of occupation on Mexican desire for annexation, 215; excesses in New Mexico, 216, 453; Price's rule there, insurrection, 217; successful rule in California, 217-20, 454; use of local civil officers, 218, 229, 461; Scott's orders for military government, 220, 455-7; rule at Vera Cruz, 220-2, 457; at Córdoba and Orizaba, 222; affairs at Jalapa, 223-5, 458; excesses elsewhere, 224, 225; Mexican offences and exaggerations, 224; rule at Puebla, 225, 459; clemency toward Mexico City, 226, 459; military discipline there, 226, 459-60; life at capital during occupation, 226-8, 460; Mexican courts, 229; social relations, 230-1, 4612; general conclusions on conduct of occupation, 231-2; tariff, 261-3, 484; levies on Mexicans, 264-6, 485-8; American opposition to occupation, 273, 492; title by conquest, 285, 468, 497; justice of conquest, 322, 514; conditions at Chihuahua, 454. |
Conspectus of events, 1. xix-xxi. |
Constitutions, Spanish liberal (1820), 1. 32; first Mexican (1824), 36-7, 412-3; Seven Laws, 47; Bases of Tacubaya, 51; Organic Bases, 52; revival of Organic Bases, 217; renewal of constitution of 1824, 222, 488; of 1847, 2. 82. |
Consuls in Mexico, cut off, 1. 212, 484. |
Contreras, battle of, field, 2. 101; Valencia's occupation of it, 102, 104; American reconnaissance and advance, 103, 380; Pillow's attack and Riley's flank movement, 104, 376, 378, 380; support of Riley, 105, 107, 378-80; Santa Anna's movements, 105, 110, 379, 380; Valencia disobeys order to retire, 106; map, 107; American troops during night, 107; American flank and rear attack, 108-10, 379, 380; flight of Mexicans, 109; losses, spoils, 11.0; credit for victory, 376. |
Convent at Churubusco, 2. Ill, 382; attack and capture, 113-1, 117, 382, 383, 385; map, 114. |
Convoy. See Transportation. |
Cooke, P. St. G., in Kearny's expedition, 1. 290, 293; in California, 2. 218, 455. |
Córdoba, Bankhead's expedition, aspect of route to, 2. 184-5, 433; under American rule, 222, 229; Lane at, 427. |
Corcoran, W. J., company raised by, 2. 431. |
Corpus Christi, Taylor's force at, 1. 142, 452. |
Corral Falso, as defensive point, 2. 39. 41, 42. |
Corruption, Mexican, in army, 1. 9; in civil service, 12; extent and effect, 13, 57, 416-7; question in peace negotiations, 2. 123, 132, 390-1; and war-time trade, 263; and Mexican attitude on the war, 312. |
Corwin, Thomas, on Scott, 1. 197; opposition to war, 2. 126; and treaty of peace, 247; effect of "hospitable graves" speech, 278, 494; demands recall of troops, 290. |
Cos, M. P. de, at Tuxpán, 2. 202, 445. Cossack, claim, 1. 426. |
Cost of the war to United States, 2. 266-7, 488. |
Council Grove, trade rendezvous, 1. 288. |
Courtesy, Mexican, 1. 26. |
Couto, J. B., peace commissioner, 2. 135 239; and Peña, 180; on Trist, 323. |
Cox, I. J., acknowledgment to, 1. 450. |
Cox, Nathaniel, claim, 1. 426. |
Coyoacán, force at, 2. 101; and battle of Churubusco, 112, 382-3. |
Crampton, J. F. T., British chargé at Washington, and levy on Mexicans, 2. 486; on slavery and cessation of war, 500; on Whig war policy, 500. |
Crawford, J. T., British consul at Tampico, reports cited passim. |