First Artillery, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 54, 352; in Scott's army, 77; at Churubusco, 114, 382; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; garrison at Jalapa, 381; at Belén garita, 413; in Taylor's later force, 417. |
First Cavalry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
First Dragoons, in Kearny's expedition, 1. 286, 288, 515; leave for California, 297; in Wool's march, 509; at Buena Vista, 554, 555; in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Churubusco, 119; in California, 219; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; in Taylor's later force, 417. |
First Infantry, at Burrita, 1. 177; at Monterey, 250, 252, 492, 496; in Smith's brigade, 541; garrisons Vera Cruz, 2. 37; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343. |
First Ligero, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347. |
First Line Infantry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 49 1. |
Fischer, Waldemar, company in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288, 515. |
Flagg, A. C., and Folk's Cabinet, 2. 269, 271. |
Flirt, in Home Squadron, 2. 197, 442. |
Flores, J. M., rising in California, 1. 339, 533; as provisional governor, 340; and battle of San Pascual, 342; and American advance on Los Angeles, 343-4, 535; retires to Sonora, 345; and Larkin, 536. |
Florida troops, calls, 1. 537, 2. 364; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Puebla, 433. |
Food and drink, Mexican, 1. 2, 20-1. |
Forbes, Alexander, British consul at Tepic, effect of his book on California, 1. 323. |
Forbes, J. A., British vice consul in California, on California and independence, 1. 321; on expected American annexation, 325; and British control, 328, 329, 332. |
Forced loans in Mexico, 1. 410, 2. 254, 477; to pay claims, 1. 431. |
Ford, Lemuel, at siege of Puebla, 2. 424; in Lane's guerilla operations, 426. |
Foreign relations, American, European attitude toward United States, 2. 294-6, 502; and toward Mexico, 296, 502; Buchanan's circular on origin and purpose of war, 297; Spanish America and the war, 298; attitude of Spain, 298; of Prussia, 298; England and outbreak of war, 299-300; France and outbreak, 390, 503; British offer of mediation, 301, 503-4; question of British interposition, 301-4, 504-6; and British-French relations, 304, 506; France and interposition, 304; effect of victories, 305; foreign help of Mexico, 306; criticism of war operations, 306-8, 507; and treaty of peace, 3 38-9; influence of war on, 323. See also Diplomatic intercourse; Preparation; nations by name, especially France; Great Britain; Spain. |
Foreigners. See Aliens. |
Forsyth, John, and Gaines's expedition, 1. 64, 66, 422; and claims commission, 80, 429. |
Forward, in attack on Alvarado, 2. 199; in Tabasco expedition, 200. |
Foster, J. G., at Molino del Rey, wounded, 2. 142, 144, 403; at Cerro Gordo, 349; engineer with Scott, 366. |
Fourteenth Infantry, in Scott's army, 2. 77, 383, 432; at Chapultepec, 154; at Churubusco, 385; at Molino del Rey, 402. |
Fourth Artillery, at Buena Vista, 1. 555; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 53; in Scott's army, 77; at Molino del Rey, 143; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; left at Contreras, 382; in Taylor's later force, 417, 418. |
Fourth Infantry, at Fort Jesup, 1. 140; goes to Texas, 141-2, 452; at Palo Alto 164, 167, 168; at Monterey, 252, 256, 492, 498, 503-2, 506; in Scott's army, 2. 77, 422; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at San Cosme garita, 414. |
Fourth Ligero, at Monterey, 1. 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347. |
Fourth Line Infantry, Mexican, at Palo Alto, 1. 165, 168; at Resaca de la Palma, 171, 174, 175; at Monterey, 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 53, 347. |