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Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/597

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First Artillery, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 54, 352; in Scott's army, 77; at Churubusco, 114, 382; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; garrison at Jalapa, 381; at Belén garita, 413; in Taylor's later force, 417.
First Cavalry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 494.
First Dragoons, in Kearny's expedition, 1. 286, 288, 515; leave for California, 297; in Wool's march, 509; at Buena Vista, 554, 555; in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Churubusco, 119; in California, 219; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; in Taylor's later force, 417.
First Infantry, at Burrita, 1. 177; at Monterey, 250, 252, 492, 496; in Smith's brigade, 541; garrisons Vera Cruz, 2. 37; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343.
First Ligero, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347.
First Line Infantry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 49 1.
Fischer, Waldemar, company in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288, 515.
Flagg, A. C., and Folk's Cabinet, 2. 269, 271.
Flirt, in Home Squadron, 2. 197, 442.
Flores, J. M., rising in California, 1. 339, 533; as provisional governor, 340; and battle of San Pascual, 342; and American advance on Los Angeles, 343-4, 535; retires to Sonora, 345; and Larkin, 536.
Florida troops, calls, 1. 537, 2. 364; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Puebla, 433.
Food and drink, Mexican, 1. 2, 20-1.
Forbes, Alexander, British consul at Tepic, effect of his book on California, 1. 323.
Forbes, J. A., British vice consul in California, on California and independence, 1. 321; on expected American annexation, 325; and British control, 328, 329, 332.
Forced loans in Mexico, 1. 410, 2. 254, 477; to pay claims, 1. 431.
Ford, Lemuel, at siege of Puebla, 2. 424; in Lane's guerilla operations, 426.
Foreign relations, American, European attitude toward United States, 2. 294-6, 502; and toward Mexico, 296, 502; Buchanan's circular on origin and purpose of war, 297; Spanish America and the war, 298; attitude of Spain, 298; of Prussia, 298; England and outbreak of war, 299-300; France and outbreak, 390, 503; British offer of mediation, 301, 503-4; question of British interposition, 301-4, 504-6; and British-French relations, 304, 506; France and interposition, 304; effect of victories, 305; foreign help of Mexico, 306; criticism of war operations, 306-8, 507; and treaty of peace, 3 38-9; influence of war on, 323. See also Diplomatic intercourse; Preparation; nations by name, especially France; Great Britain; Spain.
Foreigners. See Aliens.
Forsyth, John, and Gaines's expedition, 1. 64, 66, 422; and claims commission, 80, 429.
Forward, in attack on Alvarado, 2. 199; in Tabasco expedition, 200.
Foster, J. G., at Molino del Rey, wounded, 2. 142, 144, 403; at Cerro Gordo, 349; engineer with Scott, 366.
Fourteenth Infantry, in Scott's army, 2. 77, 383, 432; at Chapultepec, 154; at Churubusco, 385; at Molino del Rey, 402.
Fourth Artillery, at Buena Vista, 1. 555; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 53; in Scott's army, 77; at Molino del Rey, 143; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; left at Contreras, 382; in Taylor's later force, 417, 418.
Fourth Infantry, at Fort Jesup, 1. 140; goes to Texas, 141-2, 452; at Palo Alto 164, 167, 168; at Monterey, 252, 256, 492, 498, 503-2, 506; in Scott's army, 2. 77, 422; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at San Cosme garita, 414.
Fourth Ligero, at Monterey, 1. 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347.
Fourth Line Infantry, Mexican, at Palo Alto, 1. 165, 168; at Resaca de la Palma, 171, 174, 175; at Monterey, 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 53, 347.