Giddings, J. R., and secession, 2. 272; position in House, 496. |
Giffard, F. L., British consul at Matamoros, on conduct of volunteers, 2. 211. |
Giffard, T., British consul at Vera Cruz, on Vera Cruz expedition, 2. 22, 32, 3, 337, 341; on American rule, 221; on Scott and Jalapa, 362. |
Gillespie, A. H., mission to California, 1. 326, 329, 526, 530; and return of Frémont, 331, 332, 528; and Bear Flag war, 332, 529; in southern _ campaign, 336; rule at Los Angeles, 338; rising against, surrender, 339, 533-4; joins Kearny, 341; in battle of San Pascual, 342; in expedition to Los Angeles, 342. |
Gillespie, R. A., at Monterey, 1. 245; march to Mier, 483. |
Glass, J. W., British consul at Tampico, reports cited passim. |
Glasson, J. J., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338. |
Goliad massacre, American indignation, 1. 117. |
Gómez, Gregorio, Jefferson and Natchez incidents, 1. 424-5; in preparations below Perote, 2. 40; flight from La Hoya, 58. |
Gómez Farías. See Farías. |
Gómez Pedraza. See Pedraza. |
González, | , and Armijo, 1. 293. Gore, J. H., at San Cosme garita, 2. 414.
Gorman, W. A., at Buena Vista, 1. 386, 556; at Huamantla, 2. 426. |
Gorostiza, M. E. de, as minister at Washington, 1. 64; and Games' s expedition, 65-6, 420-2; pamphlet, Mexican disavowal, 779; and Texas, 432; and Santa Anna, 2. 92. |
Government, Mexican, results of colonial system, 1. 29-30; causes of failure, 56-7, 416-7, 438, 2. 310, 312; difficulties in tracing political development, 1. 411; extempore, after loss of capital, 2. 179-81, 427, 428; results to, of the war, 514. See also Centralists; Congress, Mexican; Conquered territory; Constitutions; Dictatorship; Federalism; Independence; Local government; Monarchy; Oligarchy; President of Mexico; Revolutions; Roman Catholic church. |
Graham, G. M., and Garland at Monterey, 1. 500; messenger to Mexico, 2. 473. |
Graham, James, and Oregon, 1. 200. |
Grande, Rio. See Rio Grande. |
Grant, U. S., at Monterey, 1. 252, 256, 501; on Worth, 498; on magnifying of Taylor's victories, 549; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 49; at San Cosme garita, 162, 414; on departure from Mexico, 252; on Cerro Gordo, 354; on Churubusco, 383; on battles before Mexico City, 408; on Mexican soldiers, 509. |
Gray, A. F. V., at San Pascual, 1. 535. |
Grayson, J. B., Scott's chief of subsistence, 2. 366. |
Great Britain, British loans to Mexico, 1. 37; and Texas, 55, 67, 86, 90, 419, 432, 449, 2. 295, 303, 502, 506; commercial treaty with Mexico, 1. 61; and California, 69, 319, 323-6, 328, 334, 336, 524, 527, 531, 2. 302, 308, 505; Mexican relations and claims, 1. 74, 135, 425, 2. 296-7, 502; and restoration of American-Mexican intercourse, 1. 91, 435; Oregon controversy, 90, 94, 114-5, 200, 478, 2. 295, 299, 504; question of interposition, 1. 112-5, 442, 2. 238, 301-4, 504-6; supposed manipulation of Mexico, 1. 121, 443; and Mexican privateering, 2. 192; and blockade, 193, 303, 440; and peace negotiations, 238, 465; attitude toward United States, 294-5, 501; and outbreak of the war, defeat of her policy, 299-300; offer of mediation, 301, 368; influence of French relations, 304, 506; and American victories, 305; volunteer officers for Mexico, 306; and treaty of peace, 308-9, 508. See also Bankhead; Doyle; Pakenham; Thornton. |
Green, B. E., and Mexican negotiations, 1. 84-5, 433, 436; on Tornel, 484. |
Green, Duff, on Mexican finances, 2. 8. |
Green, P. C., claim, 1. 426. |
Greenhow, Robert, and claims on Mexico, 1. 78, 429. |
Grievances, American, 1. 70 3, 423, 424. See also Claims; Diplomatic intercourse. |
Griffin, W. P., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338. |
Grijalva River. See Tabasco. |
Grone, Karl von, on Scott, J. 316; on American soldiers, 321. |
Guadalajara, situation, 1. 3. |
Guadalupe, escape, 2. 195. |
Guadalupe Hidalgo, shrine, 1. 223, 488, 2. 141; Valencia at, 2. 88; treaty signed at, 240, 467. |