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Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/599

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Giddings, J. R., and secession, 2. 272; position in House, 496.
Giffard, F. L., British consul at Matamoros, on conduct of volunteers, 2. 211.
Giffard, T., British consul at Vera Cruz, on Vera Cruz expedition, 2. 22, 32, 3, 337, 341; on American rule, 221; on Scott and Jalapa, 362.
Gillespie, A. H., mission to California, 1. 326, 329, 526, 530; and return of Frémont, 331, 332, 528; and Bear Flag war, 332, 529; in southern _ campaign, 336; rule at Los Angeles, 338; rising against, surrender, 339, 533-4; joins Kearny, 341; in battle of San Pascual, 342; in expedition to Los Angeles, 342.
Gillespie, R. A., at Monterey, 1. 245; march to Mier, 483.
Glass, J. W., British consul at Tampico, reports cited passim.
Glasson, J. J., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338.
Goliad massacre, American indignation, 1. 117.
Gómez, Gregorio, Jefferson and Natchez incidents, 1. 424-5; in preparations below Perote, 2. 40; flight from La Hoya, 58.
Gómez Farías. See Farías.
Gómez Pedraza. See Pedraza.
González, ——, and Armijo, 1. 293. Gore, J. H., at San Cosme garita, 2. 414.
Gorman, W. A., at Buena Vista, 1. 386, 556; at Huamantla, 2. 426.
Gorostiza, M. E. de, as minister at Washington, 1. 64; and Games' s expedition, 65-6, 420-2; pamphlet, Mexican disavowal, 779; and Texas, 432; and Santa Anna, 2. 92.
Government, Mexican, results of colonial system, 1. 29-30; causes of failure, 56-7, 416-7, 438, 2. 310, 312; difficulties in tracing political development, 1. 411; extempore, after loss of capital, 2. 179-81, 427, 428; results to, of the war, 514. See also Centralists; Congress, Mexican; Conquered territory; Constitutions; Dictatorship; Federalism; Independence; Local government; Monarchy; Oligarchy; President of Mexico; Revolutions; Roman Catholic church.
Graham, G. M., and Garland at Monterey, 1. 500; messenger to Mexico, 2. 473.
Graham, James, and Oregon, 1. 200.
Grande, Rio. See Rio Grande.
Grant, U. S., at Monterey, 1. 252, 256, 501; on Worth, 498; on magnifying of Taylor's victories, 549; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 49; at San Cosme garita, 162, 414; on departure from Mexico, 252; on Cerro Gordo, 354; on Churubusco, 383; on battles before Mexico City, 408; on Mexican soldiers, 509.
Gray, A. F. V., at San Pascual, 1. 535.
Grayson, J. B., Scott's chief of subsistence, 2. 366.
Great Britain, British loans to Mexico, 1. 37; and Texas, 55, 67, 86, 90, 419, 432, 449, 2. 295, 303, 502, 506; commercial treaty with Mexico, 1. 61; and California, 69, 319, 323-6, 328, 334, 336, 524, 527, 531, 2. 302, 308, 505; Mexican relations and claims, 1. 74, 135, 425, 2. 296-7, 502; and restoration of American-Mexican intercourse, 1. 91, 435; Oregon controversy, 90, 94, 114-5, 200, 478, 2. 295, 299, 504; question of interposition, 1. 112-5, 442, 2. 238, 301-4, 504-6; supposed manipulation of Mexico, 1. 121, 443; and Mexican privateering, 2. 192; and blockade, 193, 303, 440; and peace negotiations, 238, 465; attitude toward United States, 294-5, 501; and outbreak of the war, defeat of her policy, 299-300; offer of mediation, 301, 368; influence of French relations, 304, 506; and American victories, 305; volunteer officers for Mexico, 306; and treaty of peace, 308-9, 508. See also Bankhead; Doyle; Pakenham; Thornton.
Green, B. E., and Mexican negotiations, 1. 84-5, 433, 436; on Tornel, 484.
Green, Duff, on Mexican finances, 2. 8.
Green, P. C., claim, 1. 426.
Greenhow, Robert, and claims on Mexico, 1. 78, 429.
Grievances, American, 1. 70 3, 423, 424. See also Claims; Diplomatic intercourse.
Griffin, W. P., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338.
Grijalva River. See Tabasco.
Grone, Karl von, on Scott, J. 316; on American soldiers, 321.
Guadalajara, situation, 1. 3.
Guadalupe, escape, 2. 195.
Guadalupe Hidalgo, shrine, 1. 223, 488, 2. 141; Valencia at, 2. 88; treaty signed at, 240, 467.