Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/602

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Iguala, Plan of, 1. 33.
Illinois, hard times and unrest, 1. 124. See also Illinois troops.
Illinois troops, at Buena Vista, 1. 383, 386, 387, 389, 390, 556, 559; in Wool's march, 509; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 343; leave Scott, 356; call and response (1847), 364, 365, 430, 431; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Tampico, 418; for Scott, 423.
Importance of the war, 1. vii.
Independence, in Pacific squadron, 2. 189, 206, 446, 447.
Independence Hill at Monterey, 1. 239, 497; capture, 244-6, 499.
Independence of Mexico, incitation, 1. 30-1; Hidalgo's revolt, 31; partisan warfare, 31-2; education for, 32; revolt of oligarchy and Itúrbide, Plan of Iguala, 32-3; Itúrbide's rule, 33-5; his overthrow, 35; Congress, first republican constitution, 35-7, 412, 413; Victoria's administration, 37-8; expulsion of Gachupines, 39, 42, 413; Spanish invasion (1829), 41.
Independencia battalion, formation, 2. 3; revolts, 13; at Churubusco, 111, 382.
Indiana troops, at Buena Vista, 1. 386, 388, 390, 391, 555, 557; call (1847), 2. 364, 431; in Taylor's later force, 417; sent to Scott, 418; at Huamantla, 426; in Lane's operations, 426, 427; garrison at Puebla, 433. Indianapolis, enlistments, 1. 195.
Indianapolis State Sentinel, on Mexicans, 1. 118.
Indians, characteristics and conditions of Mexican, 1. 4, 18, 21; Mexican, as soldiers, 10, 161, 463; and independence, 31; Mexico counts on help of American, 107; in Kearny's expedition, 288; war and raids, 269, 509; submission in New Mexico, 298; employment in war, 509; raids on American expeditions, 515.
Indicador, on war lethargy, 1. 214.
Industry, conditions of Mexican, 1. 6, 15-7, 22.
Ingersoll, C. J., on Polk and war, 1. 456; on war bill, 472: on lesson of the war, 2. 324; position in House, 496.
Ingersoll, J. R., position in House, 2. 496.
Ingraham, D. N., at Tampico, 1. 512.
Iniestra, Ignacio, and California, 1. 522.
Inns, Mexican, 1. 20.
Intellectual life, lack in Mexico, 1. 20.
Intelligence arrangements and reconnaissance, Taylor's neglect, 1. 145, 161, 208, 223, 249, 374, 451, 464, 476, 478, 549; Scott's, 2. 72, 332, 362.
Internal improvements, and Democratic dissensions, 2. 271, 281.
Interposition, Mexican hope of Spanish-American, 1. Ill; and of European, 112-5, 122, 442; question of British, 2. 301-4, 504-6; and of French, 304; effect of American victories, 305.
Iowa troops, non-active, 2. 511.
Ireland, famine, effect on American finances, 2. 263, 484; American relief and the war, 304.
Irish in American army, Mexican propaganda among, 1. 507, 2. 81, 358; deserters in Santa Anna's army, 88, 385; in Mexican hospital force, 347. See also San Patricio battalion.
Irregulars. See Guerilla warfare.
Irving, Washington, American minister at Madrid, reports cited passim.
Irwin, J. R., Scott's chief quartermaster, 2. 366.
Irwin, William, at Marin, 1. 562.
Isunza, J. R., governor of Puebla, and Scott's advance, 2. 66, 69, 95.
Iturbe, ——, finance minister, graft, 1. 214, 2. 328.
Itúrbide, Agustín de, and war on insurgents, 1. 31; revolt, 33; rule, 335; overthrow, 35; and Congress, 35; execution, 37: seizure by, 426; and financial system, 2. 6.
Iztaccihuatl, Mount, aspect, 2. 93.
Izucar de Matamoros, Lane at, 2. 179, 427.
Jackson, Andrew, and Texas, 1. 62, 419, 428; and Sabine River boundary, 64; and claims on Mexico, 778, 428; and war spirit, 124.
Jackson, T. J., at Chapultepec, 2. 154, 160, 410; at Contreras, 378; at Molino del Rey, 403.
Jalapa, site, aspect, 1. 2, 2. 63, 223; march of Scott's army for, 38, 45-8; Mexican preparations on route, 3942, 346; defences at Cerro Gordo, 42-5, 347, 348; battle of Cerro Gordo, 48-59; occupied, 59, 354; Scott at, his problems of advance, 61-5; American garrison, 74, 361, 362, 433; American rule, 223-5, 230, 231, 458; Scott's fortification, 358.