Lerdo de Tejada, M. M., on American rule, 2. 221. |
Lesson of the war to Mexico, 2. 323-4, 514. |
Levant, in Pacific squadron, 2. 189, 447. |
Lewis, D. H., position in Senate, 2. 496. |
Lexington, in Pacific squadron, 2. 447. |
Lexington Commonwealth, on British intrigue in Mexico, 1. 121. |
Libertad redoubt at Monterey, 1. 239, 248. Liberty of the press. See Press. |
Lieber, Francis, on justice of acquiring California, 2. 322. |
Lieutenant generalcy, plan for appointment of Benton, 2. 75, 363, 365. |
Ligero cavalry, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Lillers, Count, on attitude toward Mexico, 1. 119. |
Linares, aspect, 1. 359. |
Lincoln, Abraham, on Doniphan, 1. 299; war criticism, 2. 277, 493. |
Liquor, Mexican drinks, 1. 2, 21; and outrages by American troops, 2. 211-3, 216, 224, 457; regulation at Vera Cruz, 457. |
Livermore, A. A., on slavery as cause of Mexican War, 1, 473. |
Liverpool Mail, sympathy with Mexico, 1. 112. |
Lizardi banking house, robs treasury, 1. 432. |
Llano, M. M., in Monterey negotiations, 1. 502. |
Loans, Mexican, 1. 37, 2. 254; American, 258-60, 479, 481, 485. See also Finances. |
Lobos Islands, rendezvous for Vera Cruz expedition, 1. 367, 2. 17. |
Local government, in occupied territory, 1. 338, 2. 218, 229, 461. See also Police. |
Loch, G. G., and Cerro Gordo, 2. 348. |
Locofocos, and Polk, 2. 270, 281. |
Löwenstern, Isidor, on Mexican abandonment of California, 1. 319. |
Lombardini, M. M., at Buena Vista, 1. 389-91, 559; character and command, 2. 88; retirement from Chapultepec, 412. |
Lomita, Camp, 1. 480. |
London Daily News, on conduct of Americans in Mexico, 2. 226. |
London Examiner, on expected war, 1. 134; criticism of military operations, 2. 307; on trade through occupied ports, 505; on Polk, 510. |
London Globe, and peace, 2. 125: and interposition, 303. |
London Journal of Commerce, on American aggression, 1. 113. |
London Morning Chronicle, on California, 1. 322; on outbreak of war, 2. 300; criticism of military operations, 307, 308; on American people, 502; on interposition, 505; on the war and development, 514. |
London Morning Herald, on chances of expected war, 1. 108; on annexation of Texas, 113. |
London Post, on outbreak of war, 2. 300. |
London Standard, on chances of expected war, 1. 109, 113. |
London Times, on monarchy for Mexico, 1. 95, 135; on chances of expected war, 105, 106, 110, 113, 441, 442; on Oregon and Mexico, 115; on American hostility to England, 121; on Taylor's force in Mexico, 142; on Santa Anna, 216; on California, 322, 524; on Santa Anna at San Luis Potosí, 379; on Slidell mission, 437; on Mexican finances, 2. 8; attack on United States, 91; and peace, 125, 235; on American government, 294; on military titles, 294; on American people, 295; on absorption of Mexico, 297; on outbreak of the war, 300; and interposition, 302, 306, 505; criticism of military operations, 306-8; on Mexican policy, 310; on probable pillage, 324. |
Longstreet, James, at Chapultepec, 2. 157; at Churubusco, 385. |
López de Santa Anna. See Santa Anna. |
López Uraga, J. See Uraga. |
Loring, W. W., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 350, 352. |
Los Angeles, in 1846, 1. 315; occupied by Americans, 337; Gillespie's rule, rising against it, 338-9, 533-4; American advance and recapture, 342-4, 535; map of engagement near, 344. |
Louis Philippe, and Texas, 1. 67, 2. 304; policy of neutrality, 300. See also France. |
Louisa, claim, 1. 426. |
Louisiana Purchase, Mexican negotiations on boundary, 1. 59-61; and Texas, 138. |
Louisiana troops, calls, 1. 150, 480, 537, 2. 364, 365, 430; in Vera Cruz expedition, 1. 368, 2. 336, 343; at Tampico, 1. 546, 547; with Scott, 2. 422; at Huamantla, 426. |