Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/621

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Polk's attitude and own conduct, 2. 272, 278, 493; Whigs and candidates, 284; Webster's candidacy, 291; Taylor's candidacy as vindication of the war, 292; Pillow's ambition, 376. See also Polk.
Press, Mexican, conditions, 1. 15;
Paredes's decrees on, 215; during the war, 2. 84, 85, 91. See also Newspapers.
Price, Sterling, to raise men, 1. 290; troops to reinforce Kearny, 290, 516; to hold Santa Fe, 298, 517; Chihuahua and Resales expedition, 2. 166, 419; as governor of New Mexico, 217, 453; supposed force (Nov., 1847), 432.
Princeton, in occupation of Tampico, 1. 279; at Vera Cruz, 2. 26; in Home Squadron, 197, 441; in attack on Alvarado, 198.
Principles of war, 1. 405.
Prisoners of war, Encarnación, 1. 370-1, 562, 2. 418; release after Monterey armistice, 1. 507; Scott's treatment, parole, 2. 58, 340, 353, 515; and armistice after Churubusco, 134, 394; in treaty of peace, 468.
Prisons, Mexican, 1. 13, 21.
Privateering, Mexican hope in, 1. 108; projects, failure, 2. 191-3; question of American, 192, 439.
Proclamations, war, 1. 191, 213, 474; Scott's, at Vera Cruz, 2. 38; of May 11, 66, 357-8.
Programme of war, Folk's rejection of Scott's policy, 1. 198-200; policy of occupying territory, 262, 266-7, 508, 2. 273, 492; defensive-line policy, 1. 282-3, 461, 513, 514, 2. 183, 430; failure of quick peace programme, 1. 347; project of attack on Mexico City, 349; question of attack on Vera Cruz, 34950; no further advance in north, 350; attack on Vera Cruz adopted, 3501; advance to capital left open, 351, 540, 2. 344; Marcy shifts responsibility to Scott, 1. 355, 540; Taylor ignores programme, 368; Mexican plan after fall of capital, 2. 182, 430; American problem after capture of capital, 183, 430; hampered by opposition, 292; effect of inadequate preparation, 314, 510.
Progreso, on American peace party, 2. 495.
Pronunciation of Spanish, 1. xxi.
Propaganda, Mexican, among Taylor's troops, 1. 160; among Irish soldiers, 507, 2. 81, 358; at siege of Vera Cruz, 337. See also Desertion.
Prospects of war. See Preparation.
Prosperity, of occupied territory, 2. 214, 215, 219, 232; American, in the war, 263, 484.
Provisional, on United States and Texas, 1. 423.
Prussia, and the war, 1. 403, 2. 298-9. See also Canitz.
Public debt. See Finances; Loans.
Public lands, bounty to soldiers, 2. 75, 490; gradation policy, 261, 482.
Public opinion, lack in Mexico, 1. 13.
Puebla, situation, aspect, 1. 2, 2. 71; Scott's advance from Jalapa, 64, 66, 69; clerical control and attitude toward Scott's advance, understanding, 65-6, 357; Santa Anna at, 69, 360; he evacuates, 70: Worth's conference, erroneous agreement, 70, 360; occupation, 71; character of Worth's rule, 71-2, 361; Scott at, 72; condition of army in, 72-3; advance from, 78, 92, 371; Scott at, and peace negotiations, 130, 391; guerilla operations and beginning of siege, 173-4, 424; American garrison and positions, 174, 424, 433; Santa Anna's siege, 174-6; Lane's march to relieve, 176, 425; battle of Huamantla, 176-8, 425-6; arrival of Lane, siege raised, 178; losses in siege, 426; American rule, 225, 229, 231.
Puebla state, guerilla warfare, 2. 173; in discussion on peace, 464.
Pueblo Indians, submit to Kearny, 1. 296.
Puente nacional, as defensive point, 2. 40, 348; abandoned, 41-2; aspect, 47; American post, 432.
Pulque, 1. 508.
Punta Aguda, occupied, 1. 562.
Purísima bridge at Monterey, 1. 249, 254.
Puros, rise, aims, opposition, 2. 24; demands and loss of prestige, 4-5; and Presidential election (1846), 5; abandon Farías, 12; attitude toward Santa Anna, 15, 82, 83, 87; and peace negotiations (1847), 136; and local government under Scott, 229; Eventualists, 234, 465; oppose treaty, 250; and British mediation, 368. See also Farías; Federalism.
Querétaro, situation, 1. 3; revolt, 2. 236.
Querétaro battalion, at Monterey, V 494; at Chapultepec, 2. 408.